信仰立場..Articles of Belief

 我們的使命:為猶太人民分享神的心..Our Mission: Sharing God’s Heart for the Jewish People






Our Vision Statement

We are committed to seeing God’s purpose for the church fulfilled as Jews and Gentiles are made one through faith in Messiah Jesus by means of evangelism, discipleship, and equipping believers for effective ministry, with the priority “to the Jew first”






1. 聖經


2. 神


3. 亞當犯罪


4. 耶穌基督


5. 救恩



6. 共同信仰


7. 聖靈


8. 作主門徒


9. 廣傳福音


10. 末世的日子



Articles of Belief 

1. The Holy Scriptures. We believe the Bible, consisting of Old and New Testaments only, is verbally, plenarily inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is inerrant in the original manuscripts, and is the infallible and authoritative Word of God.

2. God. We believe that the one triune God exists eternally in three distinct, but not separate persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

3. Adam & Sin. We believe that Adam, created in the image and after the likeness of God, was tempted by Satan, the god of this world, and fell. Because of Adam’s sin, all men have guilt imputed to them, are totally depraved, and need to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit for salvation.

4. Yeshua, Jesus. We believe that Jesus Christ is God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin, died vicariously at Calvary, shed his blood as man’s substitutionary sacrifice, rose bodily, and ascended to heaven. He is presently exalted at the Father’s right hand.

5. Salvation. We believe that salvation consists of the remission of sins, the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, and the gift of eternal life. It is received by faith alone, apart from any works. We believe that it is the privilege, not only of some, but of all who are born again of the Spirit through faith in Christ as revealed in the Scriptures, to be assured of their salvation from the very day that they take him to be their Savior.

6. The Community of Faith. We believe that the Church, the body of Christ, consists only of those who, when born again, are instantaneously baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ, for whom he now makes intercession in heaven and for whom he will come again.

7. The Holy Spirit. We believe that the Holy Spirit not as an influence, but as a Divine Person, is the source and power of all acceptable worship and service. He is our abiding Comforter and Helper.

8. Discipleship. We believe that we are called with a holy calling to walk, not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

9. Evangelism. We believe that Christ commanded the Church to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every person, baptizing and discipling those who believe.

10. Later Days. We believe that the blessed hope is the Lord Jesus’ personal, imminent return to rapture the Church and then introduce the millennial age, when Israel shall be restored to their own land and the earth will then be full of the knowledge of the Lord.
