
 ….歡迎來到虛擬逾越節晚餐..WELCOME | Virtual Passover Seder….



參加國際彌賽亞生命差會的免費互動式彌賽亞的逾越節筳席。 請點擊下面觀看視頻。

在Facebook和YouTube上查看。 在下面查看我們的Facebook頁面和YouTube頻道。


Join Life in Messiah International for a Free Interactive Messiah in the Passover Seder. Click below to view the video.

View on Facebook & YouTube. Check out our Facebook page & YouTube channel below.



…您可以隨時通過下面的鏈接單擊以觀看重播!..You can click through the links below to watch the replay at any time!….




為何信徒需考慮慶祝逾越節?當中有很多奇妙的原因。 逾越節是慶祝神的救贖!我們一方面慶祝猶太人被救贖,脫離埃及的奴役生活;與此同時,也慶祝猶太人和外邦人一同在彌賽亞耶穌裏得着救贖。這是一個快樂而內容豐富的體驗!


Never Celebrated Passover Before?

There are many wonderful reasons why believers should consider celebrating Passover. Passover is about celebrating God’s redemption! We will be celebrating both the redemption of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt AND the redemption that Jewish people and Gentiles have in Messiah Jesus. It is a joyful and informative experience for the whole family!






  • 互動體驗:您和您親愛的人在家裡觀看視頻,及在家中一起參與逾越節的細節

  • 逾越節筵席的時長:整個程序從開始到結束,約70分鐘

  • 探索1:您可以透過參與這筵席、慶祝及記念神的救贖

  • 探索2:您可以體會猶太逾越節的傳統與我們藉着主耶穌得救贖的關係

  • 探索3:您可以體驗逾越節與主的晚餐(聖餐)之間的關係



Here’s What to Expect

What can you expect during this Interactive Messiah in the Passover Seder?

  • INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE: You and your loved ones will view a video stream and partake of the elements of the Passover Seder from your home

  • SEDER LENGTH: The Seder experience will last approximately 70 minutes, from start to finish

  • EXPLORATION 1: You will celebrate & remember God's redemption through participating in the Seder

  • EXPLORATION 2: You will understand the connections between the Jewish Passover traditions & our redemption through Jesus

  • EXPLORATION 3: You will experience the connection between Passover & the Lord’s Supper (Communion)

We hope you will join us for this important event!



….更多資源..More Resources….


計劃參加? 這是給您的一些重要連結

計劃參加? 務必查看以下文檔,了解需要準備的內容以及可供選擇的資源,以豐富您對逾越節筵席的體驗!


Planning to Participate? Here are Some Important Links for You

Planning to participate? Make sure to check out the documents below for what you will need to prepare and for some optional resources to enrich your Seder experience!


….了解有關逾越節的更多信息..Learn More About Passover….

….關於國際彌賽亞生命差會..About Life in Messiah….