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國際彌賽亞生命差會 (LIFE) 很高興能與您結伴,向人分享神對猶太人的愛。 這確實是神所祝福的事工。


  • 帶領宣教事工/宣教隊伍前往以色列

  • 奉獻金錢,成為差會的合作伙伴,支持同工到工場宣教

  • 與國際彌賽亞生命差會的領袖個人面談


Welcome, Pastors & Ministry Leaders

Life in Messiah is excited to partner with you in sharing God’s love with the Jewish people. This is truly a God-blessed activity.

There are many ways we can partner, but here are just a few:

  • Host a Workshop or Seminar on the Biblical View of Israel

  • Bring a Project/Ministry Team to Brooklyn and/or Israel

  • Financial Partnership by Sending a Ministry Worker into the Field

  • Have a Personal Conversation with a Leader from Life in Messiah



….董事寄語..A Message from Our Directors….

….我們的歷史和現在的宣教事工..Our History & Current Ministry….


 ….虛擬逾越節晚餐..Virtual Passover Seder….




How Can We Best Serve Your Church?
