
 ….短期和長期的機會..Short- & Long-Term Opportunities….




您是否感覺到神正在呼召您參與短期或長期的猶太人宣教事工? 國際彌賽亞生命差會正在尋找對猶宣事工有負擔,又敬虔的男士和女士一同參與猶太人宣教事工,讓更多猶太人認識耶穌。 我們祈求神增添工人參與短期外展活動,開拓新領域以及加入現有的宣教團隊。請填寫初步問卷,探索「國際彌賽亞生命差會」有甚麼事工適合您!



  • 謙卑:展現學習者的態度,一直努力成長,竭力服侍他人。

  • 信心:過着信心的生活,願意跟隨聖靈帶領前行,不畏險境。

  • 服從:最重要的,是服從神的指引,並討衪的喜悅。

  • 開荒創業精神:自發能力高,能夠有效地管理時間和資源。

  • 志在為人服務: 能勝任團隊工作, 以服務他人為先導。





國際彌賽亞生命差會在那一方面適合我? 請看不同程度的事工參與。


God’s calling on your life

Do you sense God calling you to get involved in ministry to the Jewish people on a short or long-term basis? Life in Messiah is looking for godly men and women who have a burden to see Jewish people come to know Yeshua. We are praying for God to raise up workers to join us on short-term outreaches, pioneer new fields and join existing teams. Fill out our Preliminary Questionnaire to begin exploring what service with LIFE looks like for you!

Characteristics of LIFE candidates

We are praying for God to raise up workers that live out the following characteristics:

  • HUMILITY: Displays a learner’s attitude and is always seeking to grow. Seeks to serve others.

  • FAITH: Lives a life characterized by faith. Willing to take Spirit-led risks.

  • OBEDIENCE: Above all, seeks to please the Audience of One.

  • ENTREPRENEURIAL: Self-starter. Able to manage time and resources effectively.

  • SERVANT-ORIENTED: Works well in a team setting. Leads by serving others.

If you’d like to explore service with LIFE, please take the first step by completing our preliminary questionnaire.


How do I choose a Missions Agency?

Why choose Life in Messiah?

Where do I fit in with Life in Messiah? View the different levels of involvement.






Ministry & Travel in Israel
