….奉獻支持..Financial Partners….





Considering Financial Partnership?



神一直暗中感動人為祂的事工忠誠地奉獻金錢。保羅在《羅馬書》 15︰27中告訴我們,外邦人算是欠猶太人的債,因為外邦人從猶太人身上確實得着很多屬靈的好處。相比向猶太人傳福音,試問我們還有甚麼更好的方法向他們表達謝意?




Behind the scenes God has always called people to faithfully fuel God’s mission through giving. In Romans 15:27, Paul informs us that Gentiles are “indebted” to the Jewish people because they have received so much from them spiritually. What better way to express gratitude to the Jewish people than by contributing towards the spread of the gospel?

At Life in Messiah International (H.K.), we recognize the great need for partnership between mission-minded donors and our work. Together we can accomplish much for God’s glory.

Life in Messiah International (H.K.) is actively seeking partnerships to expand our work of evangelism, discipleship, and equipping other in Jewish ministry. Does God have something for us to accomplish together?


….奉獻支持的表格..Partnership Form….