
…. 差會網誌(英文版)..LIFE Blog ….

…. 國際彌賽亞生命差會每週的網誌滿載聖經的鼓勵及助你認識猶太人更多。..LIFE’s weekly blog is full of encouragement from Scripture and topics to help you understand the Jewish people better. ….


…. TŌV線上節目(英文版)..The TŌV Podcast ….

…. TŌV (希伯來文”好”的意思)節目提供在線式教學,這些課堂的內容著重從聖經看神對以色列及猶太人的心意及計劃。..The TŌV (good) Podcast exists to provide sound Bible teaching with a special emphasis on God's heart and plans for Israel and the Jewish people. ….


…. 《橋樑》(英文版)..The Bridge ….

…. 《橋樑》是國際彌賽亞生命差會每半年出版的事工雜誌,記載著差會同工於世界各地的見證故事,說明神的作為。.. The Bridge is Life in Messiah’s bi-annual ministry magazine featuring God-at-work stories from our staff around the world. ….


…. 電子書籍(英文版).. E-books ….

…. 你可以從這些書籍中深入探究猶太人的種種與及他們和聖經的關係。..In our e-books you will find in-depth examinations of issues relating the Jewish people and how they relate to the gospel. ….


…. 差會

影片..LIFE Videos ….

…. 透過這些影短片介紹可以了解國際彌賽工生命差會及我們的工作更多。.. Learn more about who we are and what we do by browsing our videos. ….


In Search of Shalom

…. InSearchofShalom.com 是另一個差會的外展事工平台,讓一些非信徒的猶太人認識平安是從主耶穌基督而得。..InSearchofShalom.com is our outreach website designed to engage unbelieving Jewish people and cause them to consider the shalom that is available through Jesus. ….