….住棚節..Sukkot | The Feast of Tabernacles….




日期:通常於新曆9 月或10月期間



又要守收割節,所收的是你田間所種、勞碌得來初熟之物。並在年底收藏,要守收藏節。 (出23: 16)

在收割初熟麥子的時候,要守七七節;又在年底,要守收藏節。(出34: 22)

這節期從提斯利月15日開始,即猶太曆法的7月(一般在新曆的9月下旬至10月中旬);莊嚴的贖罪日後5日,就是住棚節。節期共7天(在以色列境外則是8天),第一天及住棚節完結後的第一日,均被視為聖安息日,都有聖會(利23: 36,39)。因此,甚麼勞碌的工都不可做。


住棚節 (Sukkot)




若祝願身邊的人有一個愉快的住棚節,便會說 “Chag Sameach!” (節日快樂)。

拉比吩咐要將四種植物(arbat ha’minim)捆綁在一起,並在住棚節時揮動它們。朝着每一個方向揮動這四種植物,象徵全世界都充滿農作物的收穫和神的同在。聖經所提及的四種植物包括: etroga(柑橘類果實),lulav(棕樹枝),hadas(桃金孃b葉),aravah(柳樹葉)。聖殿被毀前,這個在空中揮舞四種植物的儀式是在聖殿裏舉行。現在,許多猶太會堂仍繼續舉行這個儀式。




利23: 33-43 — 凡以色列家的人都要住在棚裏,在耶和華面前歡樂

民29: 12-39 — 每天獻給耶和華神的祭物為數眾多

申31: 10-13 — 安息年的住棚節,要將律法公開誦讀

住棚節是三大朝聖節期之一。猶太男丁每年要三次上到聖殿朝見神。(這三個節期是逾越節、七七節和住棚節)— 出23: 17;34: 22-23;申16: 16 。


在住棚節期間,人們會帶同十分之一的奉獻及祭物到聖殿,他們絕不會「空手朝見耶和華」 (申16: 16)。我們從所獻祭牲的數量就可得知,此節日極其重要。每天在聖殿獻一隻公山羊,十四隻公羊羔,兩隻公綿羊,並若干隻公牛 (頭一天獻十三隻,其後按日減少一隻)。為每隻祭牲,獻上同獻的素祭 (用油調和的細麵)和奠祭(酒)。這星期,全部二十四班次的祭司都要分擔獻祭的職務。

所羅門王在這節期,將新建成的聖殿奉獻給耶和華(代下5: 3)。獻殿當日, 耶和華同在的榮光從天降下,點着了祭壇的火,並充滿了至聖所(王上8章;代下7: 1-10)。



聖經論及末日審判好像收割莊稼一樣(何6: 11c;珥3: 13;太13: 39;啟14: 15)。當耶和華招聚祂的子民,並將作惡的如碎稭和殘梗般,用火燒盡,便是末後的收藏節了。

萬軍之耶和華說:「看哪,那日臨近,勢如燒着的火爐,凡狂傲的和行惡的都如碎稭,在那日被燒盡,根與枝條無一存留。但是,對你們敬畏我名的人,必有公義的太陽出現,其光線有醫治的能力。你們必出來跳躍如圈裏的牛犢。」 (瑪4: 1-2d)

當彌賽亞建立祂的千禧年國度時,祂會招聚以色列的餘民,歸回應許之地。以賽亞描述這事為「收割橄欖」。橄欖樹枝被棒子擊打,當橄欖果實一旦掉在地上,就會被收集起來。見賽27:12-13;11:11-12;耶23: 7-8。See Isaiah 27:12-13;  11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:7-8[1] 

外邦中的義人也會一同聚集,來到主前。那一天,外邦人會在耶路撒冷敬拜神/禱告。見亞14: 16-17。

地上的萬族中,在千禧年國度時拒絕守住棚節的,就必沒有雨降在他們的地上。這段經文確立在住棚節期間,為應許地禱告的傳統。(Howard/Rosenthal 145-6e)

當彌賽亞國度來到時,主不僅聚集祂的子民,更要在他們中間設立聖所,住在其中。見結37: 27-28;比較啟21: 3[Y2] 。

那標誌着神的同在 — 耶和華的榮光,會再次顯現於錫安。(賽60: 1,19;亞2: 5)。神的同在如熣燦的火一般,覆蓋著整個錫安山;又像帳幕,為多個世紀遭難的雅各家,作為保障和藏身之處。

然後,耶和華必在錫安全山之上,並會眾之上,在日間創造雲和煙,夜間創造有火燄的光亮,因為在一切榮耀之上,必有遮蓋。也必有亭子,日間可以使人得陰涼、避炎熱,也可以作避難時藏身之所,或作躲避狂風暴雨之處。(賽4: 5-6f )




a.     貌似檸檬的香櫞樹果實

b.     中文聖經譯作番石榴樹,亞1:10

c.      中文聖經的「收場」,英文是“harvest"

d.     中文聖經和合本修訂版

e.     選自 “The Feasts of the Lord: God's Prophetic Calendar from Calvary to the Kingdom, by Kevin Howard (Author), Marvin Rosenthal (Author) & Tom Allen (Illustrator)” 一書

f.       中文聖經新譯本


Sukkot | The Feast of Tabernacles

 Observed typically in September or October

Sukkot is an annual reminder of God’s provision during Israel’s 40-year wilderness sojourn. It is also known as the “Feast of Ingathering,” because it was observed after all crops had been harvested and gathered. 

Also you shall observe the Feast of the Harvest of the first fruits of your labors from what you sow in the field; also the Feast of the Ingathering at the end of the year when you gather in the fruit of your labors from the field.

Ex. 23:16

You shall celebrate the Feast of Weeks, that is, the first fruits of the wheat harvest and the Feast of Ingathering at the turn of the year.

Ex. 34:22

This feast occurs on the 15th day of Tishri, the 7th month (usually late September to mid-October), only 5 days after the solemn Day of Atonement. It lasts for 7 days (8 days outside of Israel). The 1st day and the day after Sukkot are considered sacred assemblies, or sabbaths (Lev. 23:36, 39). As such, no work of any kind is permitted on these.

The Modern Observance

The primary symbol of Sukkot is the sukkah or tabernacle. It recalls Israel’s hastily-built housing in the wilderness. As soon as Yom Kippur is finished, booths are constructed in yards and patios of Jewish homes. The booths are made with at least three walls that are covered with intertwined branches.

The roofs are thatched so there is more shade than sunlight during the day, but sparsely enough to allow the stars to be seen at night. Inside, they are decorated with colorful harvest fruits and vegetables. During the Feast of Tabernacles, Jewish families eat their meals in their sukkah, and the very observant even sleep in them. It’s considered a good deed (mitzvah) to invite others into your sukkah.

Say “Chag Sameach!” (Happy Holiday) to wish someone a Happy Sukkot!

Rabbis have commanded that four species (arbat ha’minim) be held in a bundle and waved during Sukkot. The waving of the four species in every direction symbolizes the harvest and God’s presence throughout the entire world. These four items are plants mentioned in Scritpure and include: an etrog (citrus fruit), lulav (palm frond), hadas (leaves from the myrtle tree), and aravah (willow tree leaves). This ceremony of waving the four species in the air was performed in the Temple. Many modern synagogues continue this practice.

The Biblical Observance

Three portions of Scripture outline the biblical observance of Sukkot:

  1. Leviticus 23:33-43 – the people were to live in booths and rejoice before the Lord with branches

  2. Numbers 29:12-39 – there was to be many daily, sacrificial offerings

  3. Deuteronomy 31:10-13 – in a sabbatical year, the Law was to be publicly read during this feast

It was one of the three pilgrim feasts. Three times during the year, all Jewish males were required to appear before the Lord in the Temple (The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles) – Exodus 23:17; 34:22-23; Deuteronomy 16:16.

When the Temple was active, Jewish pilgrims came in great numbers to Jerusalem. Once they arrived, they focused their energies on building booths for the feast. All of the thousands of booths that lined the streets, fields and hills were carefully located within a Sabbath’s day journey (a little more than a ½ mile) of the Temple. At sundown, the blast of the Shofar from the Temple announced the arrival of the holiday.

During Sukkot, people brought their tithes and offerings to the Temple, they were not to “appear before the LORD empty-handed” (Deut. 16:16). We can see how important this feast is by the number of sacrifices required during the feast week. Each day one goat, fourteen lambs, 2 rams, and a number of bullocks (thirteen) on the 1st day,(decreasing by 1 each day) were offered in the Temple. Each of the sacrifices was offered with its appropriate meal offerings (flour and oil) and drink offerings (wine). All 24 divisions of priests shared in the sacrificial duties during the week.

It was during this feast that Solomon dedicated the newly-built Temple to the Lord (2 Chronicles 5:3). At this time, the Shekinah glory of the Lord descended from Heaven to light the fire on the altar and fill the Holy of Holies (1 Kings 8; 2 Chronicles 7:1-10).

God Gathers His people

The Bible speaks of the final judgment as a harvest (Hosea 6:11; Joel 3:13; Matt. 13:39; Rev. 14:15). It is a future Day of Ingathering when God gathers His people unto Himself and burns the wicked like chaff and stubble. 

For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; and all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; and the day that is coming will set them ablaze,” says the Lord of hosts, “so that it will leave them neither root nor branch.” But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings; and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.”

Malachi 4:1-2

When the Messiah sets up His millennial kingdom, He will gather the remnant of Israel back to her land. Isaiah described this event as the harvesting of olives. Tree branches are beaten with rods and the olive berries gathered once they fall to the ground. See Isaiah 27:12-13; 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:7-8.

The righteous among the Gentiles, too, will be gathered to the Lord. In that day, the Gentiles will pray in Jerusalem. See Zech. 14:16-17.

The Gentile nations that refuse to keep the Feast of Tabernacles in the millennial kingdom will receive no rain upon their lands. This passage provided the biblical basis for the tradition of praying for land during the Feast of Tabernacles (Howard/Rosenthal 145-6).

The Lord will not only gather His people, but He will tabernacle in their midst during the coming messianic kingdom – see Ezek. 37:27-28; cf. Rev. 21:3.

The sign of God’s presence, the Shekinah glory, will be seen in Zion again (Is. 60:1, 19; Zech. 2:5). It will appear as a shining fire over the whole of Mount Zion. It will be like a tabernacle, providing protection and refuge for the nation after centuries of persecution and the time of Jacob’s sore trouble.

[T]hen the Lord will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy. There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain.

Isaiah 4:5-6

Compiled by David Brewer
