….詞彙.. Glossary of Terms….


…. 彌賽亞生命差會      詞彙..Life in Messiah Glossary of Terms….


….Abraham,亞伯拉罕 一 遠古時代的一個閃族人,蒙神呼召離開古巴比倫地,為要事奉獨一真神,其後成為以色列人的祖宗。..Abraham — An ancient Semite called out of ancient Babylon to serve the One God, and become the father of the nation of Israel. ….

….Abrahamic Covenant,亞伯拉罕之約 一 該約 (或 “應許” ) 是指神與亞阿伯拉罕所立的約,記載於舊約全書的創世記。在該約,神應許亞阿伯拉罕必使他成為大國,並將以色列地賜給他。..Abrahamic Covenant — The contract (or “promise”) God made with Abraham as recorded in the book of Genesis, in which He promised to make him a great nation and gave him the Land of Israel. ….

….Aggadah,《哈加達》一《哈加達》的希伯來文意思是「敘述」,在猶太教的重要宗教文獻-塔木德(塔木德記錄了猶太教的律法、條例和傳統)之內,講述及解釋關乎猶太人宗教生活的故事、傳統習俗、傳說、典故及禮儀等內容,例如有關逾越節的故事和傳統由來。..Aggadah — The narrative material in the Talmud. ….

….Anno Mundi,世界紀元 一(拉丁語:Anno Mundi,縮寫為 AM 或 A.M.),又譯為創世紀年 或、創世紀元。猶太歷法計算年日以世界紀元為基準,即以神創造世界的觀點來計算年日,因此猶太歷法可反映神創造世界的年日究竟有多久。..Anno Mundi — Latin for “In the Year of the World.” The Jewish year is given in terms of “Anno Mundi,” meaning the count is meant to reflect the number of years since the Creation of the World. ….

….Anti-Semitism,反猶太主義 一 針對猶太人的態度及行動,帶有敵視和偏見。..Anti-Semitism — Attitudes and actions directed against the Jewish people that show hostility or prejudice. ….

….Aravah,楊柳枝 一 楊柳,慶祝住棚節所需的四種植物之一。請參閱住棚節的文章。..Aravah — Willow, one of the Four Species used in the ceremonial celebration of Sukkoth. see article on Sukkot. ….

….Ashkenazi,阿什肯納茲猶太人 一 從族裔上講,其先祖可追溯到東歐的猶太人。另請參閱塞法迪猶太人(Sephardi)的資料。..Ashkenazi — Jewish person of Eastern European descent. See also Sephardi. ….

….Atonement,贖罪 一 通過罪的赦免與神和好,即希伯來語Kapparah (希伯來語音譯),意思是贖罪。 另請參閱贖罪日的資料。..Atonement — Reconciliation with God through the expiation of sin. Hebrew Kapparah. See also Yom Kippur. ….



….Beit ha-Mikdash or Beis ha-Mikdah 一 希伯來語的意思是耶路撒冷的聖殿。..Beit ha-Mikdash or Beis ha-Mikdah— A Hebrew term for the Jerusalem Temple. ….

….Blackstone Memorial,伯士東記念冊 一 就猶太人在俄羅斯受迫害的情況,威廉伯士東(William E. Blackstone)召集美國國會簽署一份請願信,並於1891年3月5日月,將該份請願信遞交予總統班傑明·哈瑞森(President  Benjamin Harrison)。伯士東建議召開一個國際會議,其目的是將巴勒斯坦地(Palestine)歸還給與神立約的以色列人,“ 並且提倡以其他一切公平和恰當的方式,減低猶太人所受的痛苦。” 因此,該份請願信被稱為伯士東記念冊。..Blackstone Memorial — A petition resulting from a congress called by William E. Blackstone, and presented to President Benjamin Harrison on March 5, 1891, concerning Jewish persecutions in Russia. Blackstone proposed an international conference with the goal of restoring the land of Palestine to the covenant people Israel “and to promote in all other just and proper ways the alleviation of their suffering condition.” The petition has come to be known as the Blackstone Memorial. ….

….Blackstone, William E. , 威廉·伯士東 一 19世紀的基督徒教師,最先帶領推動猶太復國主義的工作(早於西奧多·赫茨爾(Herz)推動錫安主義之前,他已是一位猶太復國主義者!),並成立了美國彌賽亞團契,其後改名為AMF國際。..Blackstone, William E. — 19th century Christian teacher who championed the Zionist cause (he was a Zionist before Herzl!) and founded the organization which became known as American Messianic Fellowship and then AMF International. ….

….Book of Life,生命冊 一 本神聖的冊子,內裏記錄了全部得著永生的人的名字,請參閱猶太新年的文章。..Book of Life — Divine ledger in which the names of those who will be granted in life are recorded. See Article on Rosh Hashana. ….

….Born Again,重生 一 在新約全書的約翰福音第三章(約翰福音:3:3) ,耶穌用「重生」這個詞語來指出那些藉著相信耶穌而得救恩的人,就成為“新造的人”  (哥林多後書5:17) 。..Born Again — From the term used by Yeshua in the third chapter of the New Testament book of John (John 3:3), meaning to receive salvation by trusting in Yeshua, hence becoming a “new creature” (2 Corinthians 5:17). ….

….Brit ha-Hadashah,“新約” 一 希伯來文是 “新約” 的意思,即先知耶利米在耶利米書所講的新約。(耶利米書31:31) 請參閱新約全書。..Brit ha-Hadashah — Hebrew for “the New Covenant” a phrase used by the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:31). See New Testament. ….


….Challah,哈拉拿麵包 一 請參閱hallah。..Challah — See hallah. ….

….Christ,基督 一 源自希臘語 “Christos” ,其意思等同希伯來文的彌賽亞。這兩個詞的字面意思都是 “受膏者” 《七十士譯本》(Septuagint) 就是用“受膏者” 這詞。《七十士譯本》( Septuagint )是希伯來聖經最早的希臘文譯本,簡稱LXX。由猶太翻譯家在耶穌時代前三個世紀編寫。因此,當早期的基督徒相信他們已尋見彌賽亞時,他們便會自然地稱呼彌賽亞為“那一位基督” 。當基督徒說 “耶穌基督” 時 ,實際上是說 “耶穌就是那一位彌賽亞” 。基督徒一根據新約全書,基督徒這名稱最先出現在安提阿(Antioch) ,用來描述猶太教的派別,就是那些相信耶穌就是基督(i.e.彌賽亞)的人。今天,基督徒是指任何相信“基督” (i.e.耶穌)為救主的人。..Christ — From “Christos,” the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew term “Messiah.” Both words literally mean “Anointed One” This was the word used in the Septuagint, an ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures as prepared by Jewish translators three centuries before the time of Jesus. When early Christians believed they had found their Messiah, they naturally referred to him as “the Christ.” When Christians say “Jesus Christ” they are actually saying “Jesus the Messiah.” Christian — according to the New Testament, this term was first used at Antioch to describe the Jewish faction that believed they had found the “Christ” (i.e., Messiah) in Yeshua. Today it means anyone who trusts in “the Christ” (i.e., Yeshua/Jesus) as his Savior. ….

….Christian Zionism,基督教猶太復國主義 一 基督徒為建立猶太民族的家園而採取的行動主義。 (AMF International的創辦人威廉·史伯東(William E.Blackstone)被《猶太百科全書》(Encyclopedia Judaica)確認為基督教猶太復國主義的先驅者。)..Christian Zionism — Activism on the part of Christians toward the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people. (William E. Blackstone, founder of AMF International, is acknowledged by the Encyclopedia Judaica as foremost among the early Christian Zionists.) ….

….Church,教會 一 1) 基督徒信眾的聚會所。2) 在各地的基督徒信眾。..Church — 1) an assembly of Christian believers. 2) All Christian believers everywhere. ….

….Crusades,十字軍東征 一 公元後1096-1271年,歐洲的“基督教”國家所發起的運動,目的是將巴勒斯坦地從穆斯林信徒的手中解放出來。反對“異教徒”穆斯林的狂熱很快擴散至猶太人,導致反猶太情緒高漲。猶太人的錢被沒收,以支付十字軍東征的開支。 猶太社區不得不從“基督徒”霸主那裡購買“保護”。..Crusades — Campaigns on the part of the “Christian” nations of Europe to liberate Palestine from the hands of the Muslims, 1096-1271. The fervor against the “infidel” Muslims easily spread to Anti-Jewish sentiments. Jewish money was confiscated to help defray the expenses of the Crusades. Jewish communities had to buy “protection” from their “Christian” overlords. ….


….Diaspora,大流散 一 (文字表面的意思是種子的散播) ,意思是指猶太人散居各地。..Diaspora — (Lit. the scattering of seed) the “scattering” of the Jewish people across the earth. ….

….Dispensationalism,時代論 一 許多福音派人士所秉持的神學觀點,他們相信人類歷史按照神的救贖計劃發展。在此前提下,人類歷史可分為不同時期,即時代論所指的不同時代(dispensations) 。概括而言,神與人的關係在不同時代會有不同的情況。..Dispensationalism — A theological view of Time as held by many evangelicals, which divides the history of Mankind into periods called dispensations, according the ways God related into Man in each period. ….

….Dreidl或Dreidel 一 一個有四面的玩具陀螺, 在光明節玩的遊戲。..Dreidl, or Dreidel — a four-sided top with which games are played at Hanukkah. ….



….Elijah’s Cup,以利亞之杯 一 在逾越節晚餐,猶太人會喝四杯葡萄酒,而「以利亞之杯」會在第三杯和第四杯酒之間斟酒,但這杯酒是不喝的。..Elijah’s Cup— A cup with wine which is poured but not drunk during the Passover Seder, between the third and fourth cups. ….

….Eretz Israel,以色列地 一 希伯來文是指“以色列地” ,就是神給予以色列的應許之地。..Eretz Israel — Hebrew for “the Land of Israel” — the Promised Land as given to Israel by God. ….

….Esther,以斯帖 一 一位猶太女子,後來成為波斯國皇后,因而有機會推翻一個要消滅猶太人的惡謀。聖經的以斯帖記亦以其名字命名,書中內容講述這些事件及普珥日的設立。..Esther — Jewish girl who became the Queen of Persia and thus had opportunity to overturn a wicked plot to destroy the Jewish people. Also, the book of the Bible by the same name, which describes these events and the establish of the holiday of Purim. ….

….Etrog,香橼 一 狀似檸檬,慶祝住棚節所需的四種植物之一。請參閱住棚節的文章。..Etrog— The citron, one of the Four Species used in the ceremonial celebration of Sukkot. See article on Sukkot. ….

….Evangelical,福音派 一 “福音派” 一詞來自希臘 “euangelion,” 這字,意思是 “好消息” 或 “福音” 。簡言之,福音派的基督徒相信福音、活出福音,以及樂意分享福音訊息。..Evangelical — The word “evangelical” comes from the word “euangelion,” which means “Good News,” or “Gospel.”. Briefly stated, an evangelical is a Christian who believes, lives and wants to share the gospel message. ….


….falafel,油炸鷹嘴豆餅 一 又名中東蔬菜球,一種由鷹嘴豆糊狀物製成的中東小吃。油炸後,連同伴隨各種配料的皮塔餅(pita) 食用。油炸鷹嘴豆餅在以色列隨處可見,故常被稱為“國家小吃”。..falafel — A Middle-Eastern snack made of balls of chick pea mush, which are then deep fried and typically served in a pita with a variety of toppings. Falafel is widely available in Israel and has often been called the “national snack.” ….

….Four Species,四種植物 一 慶祝住棚節(Sukkoth) 所需的四種植物,包括lulav(棕櫚樹枝條),etrog(香橼,狀似檸檬),hadas(香桃木)和aravah(柳樹枝)。 根據聖經利未記23:40,就“美好樹上的果子” 所提出的要求。 參見有關住棚節(Sukkoth)的文章。..Four Species – Arba’ah minim Four plants used in the ceremonial celebration of Sukkoth, including the lulav (palm branch), etrog (citron), hadas (myrtle) and aravah (willow). Based on Biblical requirement regarding the “Fruit of goodly trees” in Leviticus 23:40. See article on Sukkoth. ….


….Gemara,革馬拉 — (編寫完成) 猶太教經典《塔木德》(Talmud)的一部份,其內容為收集拉比就《密西拿》(Mishnah) ,即猶太口傳律法所作的評論,於公元後500年寫下。另請參閱塔木德(Talmud)。..Gemara — (Lit. “Completion”) A compilation of rabbinical commentaries on the Mishnah. Written down by A.D. 500. See Also Talmud. ….

….Ghetto,猶太區 — 位於城市的一個地區,猶太人被要求與普通民眾分開居住在這個地區。..Ghetto— A portion of a city in which Jews were required to live separately from the general populace. ….

….Gospel,福音 —(字面的意思是“好消息”,是希臘語“ euangelion” 的字面翻譯。)耶穌的故事:“照聖經所說,耶穌為我們的罪死了,”…… 而且埋葬了…… 又照聖經所說,第三天復活了。” (哥林多前書15:3,4)..Gospel — (Literally “good news,” a literal translation of the Greek word “euangelion.”) The story of Yeshua who “died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and . . . was buried and . . . rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” (I Corinthians 15:3,4) ….

….Goy,Goyim,外邦人,非猶太人 — 希伯來聖經的“民族”一詞,常用Goyim這個複數字。 後來,這個字是指所有其他國家(除以色列外)及在以色列境外的人士。..Goy, Goyim — Gentile(s), non-Jews. The plural form “goyim” is used in the Hebrew Bible of “nations” in general. Later came to mean all other nations (besides Israel), and thence to individuals outside the fold of Israel. ….

….Grogger,格羅格 — 在普珥節使用的傳統發聲器,用來淹蓋哈曼的名字。..Grogger — Traditional noisemaker used at Purim to drown out the name of Haman. ….


….Haddas Myrtle,香桃木枝條 一 慶祝住棚節所需的四種植物之一。請參閱住棚節(Sukkot)的文章。..Haddas Myrtle — One of the Four Species used in the ceremonial celebration of Sukkoth. see article on Sukkot. ….

….Halakhah,哈拉卡 一 (希伯來文的字面意思是 “行走” )在猶太教文獻<塔木德>之內,是必須遵循的行為準則。(i.e. 指引生活上要做的事,而不是認識歷史故事的部份) 。另請參閱阿哈達 (Aggadah) 的內容。..Halakhah — (lit. “walk”) A general term for the proscriptive material in the Talmud. (ie., the parts that tell you what to do as opposed to the story parts). See also Aggadah. ….

….Hallah,哈拉 一 哈拉麵包,一款有特別甜味,編成辮子形狀的麵包。猶太教徒在安息日時食用的麵包。..Hallah — A special sweet, braided braid served in pairs of loaves and traditional for the Sabbath. ….

….Haman,哈曼 一 以斯帖記(Esther)故事中的壞人,他策劃消滅所有猶太人。..Haman — the villain in the story of Esther, who plotted the extermination of the Jewish people. ….

….Hamantashen,哈曼的耳朵 一 三角形形狀,有餡的甜餅,普珥節的傳統食品。哈曼的耳朵又被稱為 “哈曼的帽子” 。在以色列,它們被稱為 “Ozney Haman,” 或 “哈曼的耳朵” !..Hamantashen — A traditional three-cornered pastry associated with Purim. Sometimes called “Haman’s Hats.” In Israel, they are called “Ozney Haman,” or “Haman’s Ears!” ….

….Hamas,哈馬斯 一 恐怖主義組織,成立於1987年,是穆斯林兄弟會巴勒斯坦分支機構的組織。 主要的政治競爭對手是阿拉法特(Arafat) 創立的巴勒斯坦民族解放運動(PLO)組織,簡稱法塔赫(Fatah)。哈馬斯有成千上萬的巴勒斯坦支持者和同情者,但頑固恐怖分子的數量仍是未知之數。..Hamas — Terrorist group founded in 1987 as an outgrowth of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Principal political rival Arafat’s Fatah (PLO) organization. Has tens of thousands of Palestinian supporters and sympathizers, but number of hard-core terrorists is unknown. ….

….Hanukkah,燭光明節 一 一連八日的假期,記念猶太聖殿重新奉獻。請參閱有關文章。..Hanukkah — An eight-day holiday commemorating the rededication of the Jewish Temple. See article ….

….Har ha-Bayit,聖殿山 一 希伯來文的意思是在山上的房屋,所指的是聖殿山。..Har ha-Bayit — Hebrew for Hill of the House, i.e, the Temple Mount. ….

….Haroset—逾越節晚餐的 一 種甜食,傳統做法是將蘋果和堅果揉成深色糊狀,代表猶太人在埃及為奴做苦工時所用的砂槳。..Haroset — One of the dishes featured in the Passover Seder, typically made wiith apples and nuts, sometimes said to represent the mortar used by the Jewish slaves in Egypt. ….

….HaShem,那個名字 一 希伯來語的意思是「那個名字」,用作替代稱呼神的名字。..HaShem — “The Name”; Hebrew alternative for the divine name. ….

….Hasidism,哈西迪 一 猶太教的神秘運動,起源於中世紀。..Hasidism — Mystical movement in Judaism originating in the Middle Ages. ….

….Hebrew,希伯來文或以色列人 一 1) 猶太人在古時用的語言,亦是以色列國現今的語言。 2) 一個以色列人..Hebrew — 1) The ancient language of the Jewish people, and the modern language of the State of Israel. 2) An Israelite ….

….Hebrews,希伯來書 一 新約全書其中一本,是寫給信耶穌的猶太信徒。..Hebrews — A book of the Brit ha-Hadashah, addressed to Jewish believers in Yeshua. ….

….Hezbollah,真主黨 一 由激進的什葉派團體組成的傘形組織,成立於1982年,在以色列將軍阿里埃勒·沙龍(Ariel Sharon)領導的「加利利和平行動」之後。以色列想透過「加利利和平行動」迫使黎巴嫩的恐怖組織-巴勒斯坦民族解放運動(PLO)難開黎巴嫩。但是,戰爭僅取得部份成功。 以色列軍隊離開黎巴嫩(在外國壓力下),應南黎巴嫩的要求,雙方在黎巴嫩的利塔尼河(Litani River)南部建立了一個緩衝區,以保護以色列的「鍋柄」(Panhandle)地帶和住在那裡的平民。 該緩衝區現在仍由以色列軍隊和南黎巴嫩軍隊巡邏。南黎巴嫩軍隊效忠以色列。 黎巴嫩的恐怖組織仍在該地區向以色列和南黎巴嫩軍隊進行路邊炸彈襲擊和其他襲擊。..Hezbollah — An umbrella organization of various radical Shiite groups, formed following the 1982 Peace for Galilee War conducted under Ariel Sharon to force the PLO, a terrorist organization, from Lebanon. The war succeeded only in part. On Israel’s departure from Lebanon (under foreign pressure), they maintained, at the request of the south Lebanese, a buffer zone south of the Litani River in Lebanon to protect the panhandle of Israel and the civilian population living there. That buffer zone is still patrolled by the Israeli army and the South Lebanese forces, loyal to Israel. Roadside bombs and other attacks are conducted against the Israeli and South Lebanese forces in this zone. ….

….Holocaust,大屠殺 —(源自希臘文,意思是燔祭)。於1933年, 當阿道夫·希特勒(Adolph Hitler)被任命為德國總理時,納粹黨便開始有計劃地消滅歐洲的猶太人。當時阿道夫·希特勒(Adolph Hitler)被任命為德國總理。 這宗悲慘事件使全世界的猶太人口減少了三分之一以上。..Holocaust — (From the Greek term for a burnt offering). The systematic Nazi destruction of European Jewry which began in 1933 when Adolph Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. This tragic event reduced the world’s Jewish population by over one third. ….


….Inquisition,宗教裁判所 一 羅馬天主教會曾經設立的一個法庭,旨在消除基督教世界的異端。 在這個不寬容的時代,許多猶太人失去了家園和生計,許多不承認羅馬天主教會所設定的官方教義的外邦人也受到同樣的迫害。..Inquisition — A tribunal once set up by the Roman Catholic Church, intended to weed out heresy from the realms of Christendom. Many Jews lost their homes and livelihoods in this age of intolerance, as did many gentiles who did not confess to the official doctrines of the established Church. ….

….Isaiah 53,以賽亞書53章 一 希伯來聖經其中一章,很多人認為這章聖經是講述彌賽亞,而許多人認為該章所講述的彌賽亞就是耶穌。 點單擊此處,以希伯來語和英語,在線查看該章希伯來語和英語聖經。..Isaiah 53 — A chapter of the Hebrew Bible which many think refers to the Messiah in general and many to Yeshua in particular. Click here to view it on-line in Hebrew and English. ….


….Jerusalem,耶路撒冷 一 大衛王從耶布斯人的手中奪取耶路撒冷。自此之後,耶路撒冷便成為以色列國的首都(撒母耳記下5:6-10)。..Jerusalem — The capital of Israel since it was taken from the Jebusites by King David (2 Samuel 5:6-10) ….

….Jesus,耶穌 一 第一世紀,第二聖殿時期的一個猶太人,常被人稱為木匠約瑟的兒子耶穌 (Yeshua benYosef ha-Notzri,希伯來語音譯) 。耶穌是拿撒勒木匠的養子,他的追隨者稱頌讚他為所應許的猶太彌賽亞和世界的救世主。 (注意:Yeshua這個名稱在轉換為當時的通用語言時,即希臘語,其拼音為IESOUS(Yay-soos)。拉丁語的拼寫是Iesus或Jesus(但發音仍是(Yay-soos)。) 儘管拼音因每種語言的特質而有所不同,但大多數西歐語言都使用拉丁字母,保留了拼寫,特別是“ J” 的語音—“ dzh”(英語),法語“ zh”, 西班牙語中的“ h” 和德語中的“ y”(請參閱文章:誰是耶穌,新約全書的馬太福音,馬可福音,路加福音和約翰福音)..Jesus — The name of a first century Jew of the Second Temple Period known more fully as Yeshua benYosef ha-Notzri, the adopted son of a carpenter from Nazareth, hailed by his followers as the promised Jewish Messiah and Savior of the World. (NOTE: The name Yeshua, when converted to Greek, which was the lingua franca of the times, comes out IESOUS (Yay-soos). In Latin spelling that would be Iesus or Jesus (still pronounced (Yay-soos). The Latin spelling has been retained in most Western European languages using the Latin alphabet, although pronunciation varies according to idiosyncrasies of each language, especially with regard to the phonetic value of the letter “J” — “dzh” in English, “zh” in French, “h” in Spanish and “y” in German! (See article Who is Yeshua/Jesus, also New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) ….

….Jew,猶太人 一 Jew這個字來自希臘語Ioudaios,意思是來自猶太或“猶大”的人。這字後來應用於任何來自以色列的人。現代的應用:根據哈拉卡(希伯來語音譯Halakhah,猶太教口傳律法) ,如果一個人的父母是猶太人(至少母親是猶太人),或者已經按照猶太法律,歸化成為猶太人,他就是猶太人。..Jew — From Greek Ioudaios, someone from Judea or “Judah.” Later used of anyone descended from Israel. In modern usage, according to halakhah, one is a Jew if one has Jewish parents (at least a Jewish mother), or has undergone conversion in accordance with Jewish law. ….

….Josephus, Flavius,約瑟夫 一 第一世紀的猶太歷史學家。除聖經以外,他是《第二聖殿》 / 《新約》時期歷史資料的一個主要來源。請參閱有關約瑟夫的文章。..Josephus, Flavius — First century Jewish historian. One of the principal extra-biblical historical sources of information on the Second Temple / New Testament period. See article Josephus. ….

….Judah,猶大 一 Yehudah (希伯來語音譯)。 1)以色列12位先祖之一(以色列的兒子)。 2)猶大支派從他而出。3)在應許之地,猶大支派得地為業。4)所羅門王後,以色列國分裂為南北兩國,南國由便雅憫和猶大支派組成。..Judah — Hebrew Yehudah. 1) One of the 12 patriarchs (sons of Israel). 2) The tribe descended from him 3) That tribe’s allotment in the promised land.4) After the political division of the country following Solomon’s reign, the Southern Kingdom, consisting of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. ….

….Judaism,猶太教 一 猶太人的宗教制度,以摩西五經(Torah,希伯來語音譯)為信仰中心,相信摩西五經所述的獨一真神和神與猶太人所立的約。請參閱希伯來聖經(舊約全書)和塔木德(Talmud) 。..Judaism — The religious system of the Jewish people, centered on the belief in One God and his Covenant with the Jewish people as described in the Torah.. See also Tanakh, Talmud ….


….Kehilah,團體或會眾 一 猶太會堂和彌賽亞教會通常被稱為kehilot(kehilah的複數)。..Kehilah — Community or Congregation. Synagogues and Messianic churches are often called kehilot (plural of kehilah). ….

….Kibbutz,以色列的集體農場 一 建基於公有財產的理念,其成員沒有私有財產,但成員共同分享一些集體企業的工作和利潤,這些集體企業主要是農業企業,但也有工業企業。..Kibbutz — A (usually) rural community in Israel based on communal property, in which members have no private property but share the work and the profits of some collective enterprise, typically agricultural but sometimes also industrial. ….

….Kippah猶太小圓帽 一 ( Kippah希伯來語音譯) ,猶太男子在宗教活動時所戴的圓頂小帽。..Kippah — Hebrew name for the yarmulke, or skull cap worn by observant Jewish males. ….

….Kitel,白色的長袍 一 在特別場合穿著的白色長袍,例如逾越節或贖罪日,讓人想起祭司在聖殿時期所穿著的祭司袍。..Kitel — Special white garment worn on special occasions such as Pesach or Yom Kippur, reminiscent of the garment the priest would have worn in Temple times ….

….Kol Nidre,所有誓言 一 Kol Nidre,希伯來禱文的意思是“所有誓言” 。贖罪日(Yom Kippur)以禱告開始,禱文開頭的第一句便是 “所有誓言” 。..Kol Nidre — Hebrew prayer meaning “all vows” which ushers in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. ….


….Latkes,馬鈴薯餅 一 馬鈴薯煎餅是光明節的傳統食品,通常配以蘋果醬或酸奶油食用。..Latkes — Potato pancakes traditional at Hanukkah, often served with applesauce or sour cream. ….

….Lord’s Day,主日 一 每週的第一天(星期日)。主耶穌從死裡復活的那一天是星期日。自此之後,大多數基督徒都以星期日為崇拜日。..Lord’s Day — The first day of the week (Sunday), as the day the Lord Yeshua was raised from the Dead. Celebrated as a day of worship by most Christians since early times. ….

….lulav,棕樹的枝子 一 慶祝住棚節的四種植物之一。請參閱住棚節的文章。..Lulav–The palm branch, one of the Four Species used in the ceremonial celebration of Sukkot. see article on Sukkot. ….


….Magen David,大衛之星 一 希伯來文的字面意思是“大衛之盾” ,是我們熟悉的六角星的希伯來語名稱。它已成為猶太教的普遍標誌和現代色列國旗的象徵。..Magen David — Literally “shield of David,” the Hebrew name for the familiar six-pointed star which has become a universal sign of Judaism. Featured on the modern Israeli flag. ….

….Matzohmatzoh,無酵餅 一 逾越節的傳統食品,形狀扁平的無酵餅。 逾越節晚餐的要素之一。..Matzah, matzoh — Flat, unleavened bread used during the Passover. One of the elements of the Seder. ….

….May Laws,《五月法令》 一 1882年5月,俄羅斯頒布《五月法令》,禁止猶太人在政府預先規定的地區以外居住或獲取財產;換言之,猶太人只能在政府預先規定的地區內生活或獲取財產。事實上,《五月法令》已於1915年廢除。然而,《五月法令》在1917年俄國革命後才正式立法廢除。 《五月法律》導致猶太人在當地受到驅逐。過度擠迫的環境和經濟困境令很多猶太人難以忍受,引致大規模的猶太移民潮。..May Laws — Legislation enacted in Russia, May 1882, prohibiting the Jewish people from living in or acquiring property except in predetermined locales. Repealed in effect in 1915, and legally in 1917 after the Russian revolution. The May Laws caused local expulsions and intolerable overcrowding and economic hardship, leading to massive Jewish emigration. ….

….Meshumad,異端 一 字面上的意思是“一個值得滅絕的物種”。 猶太教的叛徒,異端教徒。..Meshumad — Literally “one deserving of extinction.” A traitor to Judaism, a heretic. ….

….Messiah,彌賽亞 一 希伯來先知所預言,猶太人期待已久的拯救者。 相信耶穌是彌賽亞的猶太人有時會用這個字來講述他們獨特的信仰。「基督徒」與「彌賽亞」這兩個詞語的詞源相同。「基督徒」這個字源自希臘文Christos。Christos的意思是「受膏者」。古時,講希臘話的猶太人用「受膏者」這個字代表「彌賽亞」。..Messiah — The long-awaited deliverer of the Jewish people, as foretold by the Hebrew prophets. Jewish people who believe Yeshua to be the Messiah sometimes use this term to describe their particular kind of faith. It is the etymological equivalent of the word Christian, which is derived from Christos the word used by ancient Greek-speaking Jews for messiah. ….

….Messianic Age,彌賽亞時代 一 希伯來先知所預言的和平與繁盛時期。 傳統的想法是彌賽亞的降臨將會引進和平與繁榮。 猶太教的改革派認為彌賽亞時代只是通過人類努力而達成的理想;他們並不期望彌賽亞這個人的來臨。我們相信耶穌的人相信當耶穌基督再來時,祂會引進彌賽亞時代。(請參閱千禧年的資料)..Messianic Age — A time of peace and prosperity as foretold by the Hebrew prophets. Traditional thinking is that Messiah will bring this about. Reform Judaism hold this to be an ideal to be reached through human endeavor, and does not expect a personal Messiah at all. We who believe in him believe that Yeshua ha-Mashiach will usher in the Messianic Age when he returns (see Millennium). ….

….Mezuzah(Mezuzah),門柱聖卷 一 一個形狀細小而狹長的裝飾盒,通常用金屬或陶瓷材料固定在猶太房屋的門框上。門柱聖卷內部是一個很小的手寫捲軸,上面寫著申命記6:4-9和11:13-21。 這兩段經文都提到在門柱上寫下神的戒律。門柱聖卷是滿足這兩段經文所要求的一個方法(另請參閱tefillin「經文匣」)。..Mezuzah — A small, elongated decorative box, usually of metal or ceramic attached to the doorframe of a Jewish home. Inside the mezuzah is a tiny handwritten scroll on which are written Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21. Both of these passages mention writing the precepts of God on the doorposts. The mezuzah is a way of fulfilling this literally. (See also tefillin). ….

….Millennium,千禧年 一 從字面上看,千禧年是指一千年的時間,也是 “千年統治”的通用簡寫。彌賽亞的千年統治是一個全地進入和平與繁盛的時期。 (啓示錄20章,以賽亞書11章等)..Millennium — Literally a period of a thousand years. Also used as common shorthand for “Millennial Reign, ” the thousand-year reign of the Messiah, a time of universal peace and prosperity on the earth. (Rev. 20, Isaiah 11, etc.) ….

….Mishnah,密西拿 一 文字表面的意思是 “重複”。密西拿是拉比的口頭律法或傳統的彙編。 這些口頭律法在公元後200年之前已經寫下。 另請參閱革馬拉(Gemara),塔木德(Talmud) ..Mishnah — Lit. “Repetition”. A compilation of the rabbinical oral laws or traditions. These oral laws were written down by 200 AD. See also Gemara, Talmud ….


….Neilah,尼爾 一 結束贖罪日聚會的祈禱。尼爾之後,吹公羊號角、最後會眾大聲呼喊,“明年在耶路撒冷” 。贖罪日就正式結束了。..Neilah— The closing service of Yom Kippur, which ends with a blast of the shofar and the exclamation “Next Year in Jerusalem!” ….

….New Covenant,新約 一 先知耶利米預言神會在將來的一個時候與以色列立一個 “新約” ,不像在西乃山與以色列所立的第一個約。參閱猶太新年的資料。..New Covenant — The prophet Jeremiah predicted a time when God would make a “New Covenant” with Israel, unlike the first Covenant made at Sinai. See article on Rosh Hashana. ….

….New Testament,新約全書 一 新約全書的文獻:耶穌基督二或三代後所寫的四福音書(耶穌基督的傳記) 、早期教會的歷史、使徒寫給不同教會的書信 (講論教會關心的議題) 、使徒約翰的「異象」書是關乎將來的事情 。我們相信新約全書的新約就是耶利米先知所講的“新約”  。(耶利米書31:31)..New Testament — a collection of documents composed within the first two or three generations after Yeshua, comprised of the four Gospels (biographies of Yeshua), a history of the early church, several letters from the apostles addressed to various churches and addressing assorted issues of concern, and the book of John’s vision of things to come. We believe this new way is the “New Covenant” spoken of by Jeremiah the prophet. (Jeremiah 31:31) ….

….Nicea, Council,尼西亞會議 一 主後365年,在尼西亞召開的早期教會會議,其中一項通過的決議是禁止基督徒與猶太人一起慶祝逾越節。(我們國際彌賽亞生命差會並不接受此特定議決為有效!)..Nicea, Council of — A council of the early church which convened at Nicea in the year 365, in which (among many other decisions) Christians were prohibited from celebrating the Passover with the Jewish people. (We at Life in Messiah do not consider this particular decision valid!) ….


….Oral Law,口頭律法 一 書面律法《摩西五經》之外的其他訓令,但一些猶太人卻將其視為神的道。..Oral Law — Other instruction beyond the written Torah, which is nevertheless considered by some Jewish people as the Word of God. ….


….PA  (The Palestinian Authority) 一 巴勒斯坦自治政府 ..PA — The Palestinian Authority ….

….Palestine,巴勒斯坦 一 公元後70年,羅馬征服猶太之後,將以色列地(Eretz Israel)改名為巴勒斯坦。它源於“非利士人”一詞,該民族在古時曾佔領過巴勒斯坦沿海一帶地區,但已消失於歷史中很久了。..Palestine — A name given to Eretz Israel after the conquest of Judea in 70 AD. It is derived from the word “Philistines,” a people who had occupied the coastal areas of the land in ancient times, but who had long since passed from history. ….

….Passover,逾越節 一 尼散月15日,慶祝猶太人得著自由,擺脫在埃及地的捆縛,得著自由,正如出埃及記所描述的情況。從彌賽亞的角度,討論逾越節的習俗,請參閱「逾越節中的彌賽亞」。..Passover — The celebration on the 15th of Nisan of the liberation of the Jewish people from their bondage in Egypt as described in the book of Exodus. For a discussion of Passover customs as seen from a Messianic perspective, see Messiah in the Passover. ….

….Pesach ,“逾越節” 一 希伯來文的意思是 “逾越節” 。..Pesach — Hebrew for “Passover.” ….

….Phylacteries,「經文匣」 一 參閱tefillin的資料。..Phylacteries — See Tefillin. ….

….Pilgrim Festivals,朝聖節期 一 以色列的三個盛宴,所有能夠去的人都要到耶路撒冷守節。 這三個節期是逾越節,五旬節和住棚節。..Pilgrim Festivals — The three feasts of Israel which required a pilgrimage to Jerusalem by all who were able. These are Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot. ….

….Pogroms,大屠殺 一 19世紀,俄羅斯對猶太社群進行有組織的屠殺。..Pogroms — Organized massacres of Jewish communities carried out in 19th century Russia. ….

….Premillennialism,前千禧年派 一 基督教內部有關教會被提的觀點之一,其看法是「教會被提」在千禧年之前發生。..Premillennialism — The view within Christianity that the Rapture of the Church will occur before the Millennium. ….

….Purim,普珥節 一 猶太節日,每年的阿達月(Adar)14日,慶祝在波斯皇后以斯帖時期,猶太人從邪惡的哈曼手中獲得解救,正如以斯帖記所述。(以斯帖記9:18-28)請參閱有關文章。..Purim — The Jewish holiday observed each year on the 14th of Adar, celebrating the deliverance of the Jewish people from the wicked Haman in the days of Queen Esther of Persia, as described in the book of Esther. (Esther 9:18-28) See article. ….


….Qohelet,傳道書 一 希伯來聖經中的智慧文學,英文名稱為Ecclesiastes(傳道書)。..Qohelet — A book of wisdom literature in the Hebrew Bible, known in English as Ecclesiastes. ….

….Quiet Time,安靜親近神的時間 一 福音派人士使用的一個術語,是指「進行個人默想和與神交通」的一段時間。..Quiet Time — A term used among evangelicals to denote a time set aside for personal meditation and communion with God. ….


….Rapture,教會被提 一 超自然地,所有信徒被提上升,空中與主耶穌相遇,正如帖撒羅尼迦前後書所述,尤其是帖撒羅尼迦前書4:17所述的。請參閱猶太新年的文章。..Rapture — The supernatural “catching up” of all believers into the air to meet Yeshua/Jesus, as alluded to in First and Second Thessalonians, especially 1 Thess. 4:17. See Rosh Hashana article. ….

….Reform Judaism,猶太教的改革派 一 猶太教三大主要派別之一,是最自由的一派。..Reform Judaism — One of the three major branches of Judaism, and the most liberal. ….

….Romans 11,羅馬書11章 一 新約聖經其中一章,為使徒保羅所寫。在這章聖經,保羅強調在神為宇宙所定的計劃裏,猶太人的重要性是持續不斷的。..Romans 11 — A Chapter of the New Testament written by the apostle Paul, in which he upholds the continuing importance of the Jewish people in God’s plan for the universe. ….

….Rosh Hashana,猶太新年 一 猶太新年,是在提斯利月一日(公曆9月/ 10月)慶祝,即聖經所稱的“吹角節”(利23:23-25,民29:1-6)。請參閱有關文章。..Rosh Hashana — Jewish New Year, celebrated on the First of Tishri (September/October), the same as what the Bible calls “the Feast of Trumpets” (Lev. 23:23-25, Num. 29:1-6). See article. ….


….Sabbath,安息日 一 一周的第七天,按照神的誡命,成為猶太人的聖日。(出埃及記20:8-11,申命記5:12-15)..Sabbath — The seventh day of the week, holy to the Jewish people by the commandment of God. (Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:12-15) ….

….Savior,救世主 一 彌賽亞的另一個尊稱,因為彌賽亞拯救世人免於滅亡。..Savior — Another title for the Messiah as the one who saves men’s souls. ….

….Seder,逾越節晚餐 一 希伯來文的字面意思是「秩序」,是指逾越節晚餐。..Seder — Hebrew for “order” A ceremonial meal eaten at Passover. ….

….Sephardic,塞法迪猶太人 一 (名稱源自古時的聖經,與西班牙有關連) 其先祖是在公元後1492年7月前被趕逐離開西班牙和葡萄牙的猶太人。..Sephardic — (From the ancient Biblical name “Sepharad”, which came to be associated with Spain.) Pertaining to Jews whose ancestors came from Spain and Portugal before the expulsion of the Jews from those lands in 1492/7. ….

….Shabbat,安息日 一 希伯來語的意思是“安息日”。..Shabbat — Hebrew for “Sabbath.” ….

….Shabbes / Shabbos,安息日 一 意第緒語為“安息日”..Shabbes / Shabbos — Yiddish for “Sabbath”

….Shalom ,平安、和平、你好和再見 一 希伯來語。意思是和平、你好和再見。..Shalom — Hebrew. Peace, Hello, and Goodbye.

….Shavuot,七七節 一 根據《摩西五經》,三個規定要到耶路撒冷守節的節期之一,又稱為七七節和五旬節。逾越節後七星期,便開始慶祝五旬節。..Shavuot — One of the three Pilgrim Festivals required in the Torah. Also known as The Feast of Weeks and Pentecost, celebrated seven weeks after Passover. ….

….Shoah,大屠殺 一 希伯來文的意思是大屠殺。..Shoah — The Hebrew term for the Holocaust. ….

….Shofar,羊角號 一 公羊的角。吹公羊角可以發出令人印象深刻的聲音,自古以來就被用來召喚軍隊參加戰鬥或招聚人民。 也用於標記安息日和其他聖日的臨近。尤其與猶太新年相關。..Shofar — A ram’s horn. The rams horn makes a very impressive noise, and has been used since ancient times to summon troops to battle or the people to assemble. Also used to mark approach of Sabbath and other Holy Days. Especially associated with Rosh Hashana. ….

….Shul,猶太會堂 一 意第緒語的意思是“猶太會堂”..Shul — Yiddish for “synagogue” ….

….Sufganiyot,果凍甜甜圈 一 在光明節吃的以色列果凍甜甜圈。..Sufganiyot — Israeli jelly doughnuts eaten at Hanukkah. ….

….Sukkah,棚屋 一 為住棚節搭建的“棚屋“或蔭庇地方。..Sukkah— A “booth” or shelter made for the holiday of Sukkoth. ….

….Sukkot,住棚節 一 文字表面的意思是“棚屋” 。 三個朝聖節期之一,其特徵是建造臨時的避難庇護所,稱為“棚屋。 ”,以紀念以色列人在曠野飄流,前往應許之地的歷史。..Sukkot — Lit. “booths.” One of the three Pilgrim Festivals marked by the building of makeshift shelters called “sukkot” to commemorate the wandering of the Israelites in the wilderness on the way to the Promised Land. ….

….Sevivon,陀螺 一 陀螺的希伯來語名稱。..Svivon— The Hebrew name for dreidl. ….

….Synagogue,猶太會堂 一 猶太人的聚會場所,源於希臘語,意思是“聚集”。..Synagogue — A meeting place of the Jewish people, from a Greek word meaning “lead together”. ….


….Tabernacle,會幕 一 來自拉丁文「帳幕」一詞。 許多《摩西五經》的英語譯本選用「會幕」一詞,很可能是因為會幕建造的原因。以色列人在曠野飄流時,神吩咐摩西建造會幕,好使人能在會幕與神會面,故會幕猶如聖殿的先行者,提供一個地方讓人來敬拜神。這個詞亦適用於每年住棚節臨時搭建的棚屋。因此,”Sukkoth” 亦稱為「住棚節」。..Tabernacle — From Latin tabernaculum, “tent.” The word used in many English translations of the Torah for the Tent of Meeting,the portable forerunner of the Temple which God commanded Moses to build when the Israelites were wandering in the Wilderness. This word is also used for sukkah, a temporary structure built yearly for the holiday of Sukkoth, which is therefore also called The Feast of Tabernacles. ….

….Tallt, or “Talis” ,禱告披肩 一 猶太男士在禱告時及在猶太會堂內所披戴的禱告披肩。..Tallt, or “Talis”— The prayer shawl worn by Jewish males during prayer and in synagogue. ….

….Talmud,塔木德 一 由密西拿(Mishnah)和吉瑪拉(Gemara)組成的猶太教文獻。..Talmud — The Mishnah and Gemara taken together. ….

….Tanakh,希伯來聖經 一 猶太教的希伯來聖經,其內容與基督教的“舊約全書”完全相同。 Tanakh是由希伯來語Torah,Nevi’im和Ketuvim衍生而來的縮寫。即律法書、先知書和聖卷(詩歌和智慧文學)(比較新約的術語,“律法和先知” 書代表希伯來聖經)..Tanakh — The Jewish Scriptures, which are exactly the same canon as the Protestant “Old Testament”. The Hebrew term is an acronym derived from the Hebrew words Torah, Nevi’im and Ketuvim; i.e., The Law, The Prophets and the Writings (poetry and wisdom literature) (Compare the New Testament term, “the Law and the Prophets” to stand for the Scriptures as a whole) ….

….Tashlikh,罪孽投於深海 一 猶太新年的宗教儀式,虔誠的猶太人會到河流或海洋,將其口袋內的東西扔進水裏,他們同時間會背誦彌迦書7:19等章節,(“ Tashlikh” 希伯來語的意思是「拋棄」,你必將他們所有的罪孽都投於深海。”),象徵罪孽在寬恕中被吞噬。請參閱猶太新年的文章。..Tashlikh — A Rosh Hashana service in which observant Jews go to a body of water such as a stream or an ocean, and toss the contents of their pockets into it while reciting passages such as Micah 7:19, (“And thou wilt cast (Tashlikh) all their sins into the depths of the sea.”) as a symbol of sin being swallowed up in forgiveness. See Rosh Hashana article. ….

….Tefillin,經文匣子 一 裝有經文的小盒子,虔誠的猶太教男士用皮帶將經文匣子綁扎在手腕和額頭上,以遵守在出埃及記13:9、16和申命記6:8、11:18所寫的律例。..Tefillin — Small boxes containing verses of Scripture which religious Jewish males bind to the wrist and forehead by means of leather straps, in obedience to Ex. 13:9, 16 and Deut. 6:8, 11:18 ….

….Temple,聖殿 一 在耶路撒冷,敬拜神的聖所,取代摩西在曠野所建造的會幕,建於大衛王在耶路撒冷購買的土地上,並由所羅門王首先建造。 對猶太教的改革派而言,聖殿一詞也適用於猶太會堂。..Temple — The holy place of worship in Jerusalem which replaced Moses Wilderness Tabernacle on land purchased for it by King David, and originally built by Solomon. In Reform Judaism, this word can also mean synagogue. ….

….Temple Mount,聖殿山 一 耶路撒冷人工擴張的山丘,第一和第二座聖殿屹立於此,穆斯林圓頂清真寺現正佔據此地。..Temple Mount — The artificially expanded hill in Jerusalem on which the First and second temples stood, now occupied by the Muslim Dome of the Rock. ….

….Tish’a b’Av,在埃波月第九日 一 希伯來語的意思是在埃波月第九日 (i.e.公歷的七月或八月) 。該日為猶太聖日,紀念「第一聖殿」於公元前586年被巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒毀壞。 (撒加利亞書7:5,8:19)。根據傳統說法,羅馬人在提多將軍的率領下,於公元後70年的同一天毀壞了「第二聖殿」。 此日期亦與其他國家災難有關連,包括西班牙宗教裁判所和大屠殺。因此,Tish’a b’Av通常代表國家災難。請參閱相關文章。..Tish’a b’Av — Or the “Ninth of Av”. A Jewish holy day commemorating the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BC by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon. (Zech. 7:5, 8:19) According to tradition, it was on this same date in 70 AD that the Romans under Titus destroyed the Second Temple. Many other national disasters have been associated with this date, including the Spanish Inquisition and the Holocaust, and so Tish’a b’Av has come to stand for national calamity in general. See article. ….

….Torah,摩西五經 一 即舊約全書的前五本書。 字面上的意思是“教導”或“指示”或“引導”。英文聖經通常翻譯為“律法書”,如“耶和華的律法全備”(詩篇19:7 [希伯來聖經,詩篇19:8節])摩西五經密碼(聖經密碼) 所聲稱的訊息,隱藏在希伯來聖經的摩西五經的文字裏面。請參閱相關文章。..Torah — The Pentateuch. The first five books of the Bible. Literally “teaching” or “instruction” or “guidance.” Often translated “the Law” in English Bibles, as in “the Law of the LORD is perfect” (Psalm 19:7 [verse 8 in Hebrew]) Torah Codes Alleged messages hidden in Hebrew text of the Torah. see article ….

….Tu Bi-Shevat,猶太植樹節 一 希伯來語的字面意思是猶太曆「細罷特月的十五日」,即猶太植樹節 ,一個小的猶太節日,標誌著樹木從這天開始開花和春天的開始。 也稱為Hag ha-Ilanot,或“樹木的新年”。 ..Tu Bi-Shevat — A minor Jewish holiday marking the blossoming of the first trees and the beginning of Spring. Also known as Hag ha-Ilanot, or “New Year of the Trees” More. ….

….Tzimmes 一 逾越節晚餐的要素之一。參看有關食譜資料。(i.e. 蔬菜組合,由香芹、芹菜、煮熟的馬鈴薯和洋蔥等根莖蔬菜組成,象徵在埃及作奴隸時所作的農忙工作)。 ..Tzimmes – One of the elements of the Passover Seder. See sample Recipe. ….

….Tzitzit,繸子 一 做在披肩邊上和外衣的四圍的繸子。基於《摩西五經》的民數記15:37-41和申命記 22:12所寫的律例。..Tzitzit — The fringe on a tallit, based on the Torah passages of Num. 15:37-41 and Deut. 22:12. ….




….Wailing Wall,哭牆 一 參閱西牆(Western Wall)的資料。..Wailing Wall — See Western Wall ….

….Western Wall,西牆 一 在聖殿山山下西側,環繞第二聖殿庭院古城牆的殘存部分,猶太人視為神聖的地方,因其位置最接近聖殿的至聖所。..Western Wall — A portion of the western retaining wall of the Temple Mount, regarded by the Jewish people as a holy place owing to its proximity to the site of the Holy of Holies on the platform above it. ….


….Xenophobia,仇外情緒 一 對陌生人或與自己不同的人,懷著非理性的恐懼。 反猶太主義的根源之一。..Xenophobia — The irrational fear of strangers or of persons different from oneself. One of the roots of Anti-Semitism. ….


….Yarmulke,圓頂小帽子 一 意第緒語的意思是指猶太男子在參加宗教活動時所戴的圓頂小帽子。另請參閱 kippah的資料。..Yarmulke — A Yiddish word for the skull-cap worn by observant Jewish males. See also kippah. ….

….Yeshiva 一 研讀塔木德(Talmud)的學院。..Yeshiva — An academy for study of the Talmud. ….

….Yeshua,耶穌 一 這名字源自希伯來語的“救恩”一詞,是耶穌的希伯來語原名。請參閱有關文章。..Yeshua — From the Hebrew word for “salvation.” Jesus’ original Hebrew name. See Article. ….

….Yeshua ha-Mashiach,耶穌基督 一 希伯來語的意思是耶穌是那位受膏者(the Anointed),即彌賽亞。..Yeshua ha-Mashiach — Hebrew for “Yeshua the Messiah” ….

….Yiddish,意第緒語 一 一種日耳曼語的方言,使用希伯來語字符,以及使用位於中歐和東歐的小鎮shtetl(很多猶太人居住的小鎮)和其他猶太社區的語言所編寫而成的語言。..Yiddish — A Germanic dialect written with Hebrew characters and the language of the shtetl and other Jewish communities in Central and Eastern Europe. ….

….Yiddishkeit,猶太人的模式 一 粗略地翻譯為“猶太人的生活方式”,即從音樂到美食,再到祝福,全都是「猶太人的模式」。..Yiddishkeit — Roughly translated, “Jewish-hood,” i.e., everything that goes into being Jewish, from music to food to berakhot. ….

….Yom Ha’Atzmaut 一 以色列獨立紀念日。..Yom Ha’Atzmaut — Israeli Independence Day. ….

….Yom Kippur,贖罪日 一 猶太曆法中最神聖,最莊嚴的日子。 在聖殿時代的贖罪日當天,大祭司會進入聖殿的至聖所,來到神的寶座前,為百姓獻祭贖罪。在這日,猶太人會刻苦己心、禁食,禁慾 (丈夫不會與妻子有親密的身體接觸),不會用化粧品和洗護用品。請參閱有關文章。..Yom Kippur — The Day of Atonement. The holiest and most solemn day in the Jewish calendar. In temple times, this was the day the High Priest would approach the throne of God in the Holy of Holies to seek atonement for the sins of the people. Marked by fasting and abstinence from marital relations and use of cosmetics and toiletries. See Article ….


….Zion,錫安 一 摩利亞山(Moriah)的另一名稱。 摩利亞山位於大衛王時期的耶路撒冷北面。大衛王向耶布斯人亞勞拿購買了這個地方,作為所羅門建造「第一聖殿」的地點。以色列國擴張初期,錫安是指耶路撒冷。以色列國再進一步擴張時,錫安便成為了以色列地的名稱。..Zion — Originally another name for Mt. Moriah, the hill just north of David’s Jerusalem which he purchased from Araunah the Jebusite as the site for the first Temple as built by Solomon. By extension, the name is used of Jerusalem, and by further extension, the Land of Israel. ….

….Zionism,錫安主義 / 猶太復國主義 一 猶太人發起的民族主義政治運動,旨在讓猶太人回歸自己的家園,建立一個獨立自主的猶太國。..Zionism — The movement to restore the Jewish people to a sovereign homeland of their own. ….