代禱指南..Prayer Guide

彌賽亞生命差會|代禱指南..Life in Messiah | Prayer Guide





  1. 為世界各地的猶太人禱告︰求神軟化他們的心,開啓他們的眼睛,認識主耶穌就是彌賽亞這真理。

  2. 為「彌賽亞生命差會」的同工禱告︰求神讓他們在各樣的處境中,都可以與世界各地的猶太人群體交往,分享彌賽亞的愛,並賜下合宜的話及智慧予每位同工。

  3. 為彌賽亞歸主者禱告︰求神讓他們對福音多有負擔,與猶太人朋友和家人分享福音。

  4. 為神的心意成就禱告︰「今天是萬人得救的日子!」

  5. 為抗衡「反猶太主義」禱告︰排猶的情況日益嚴重,在世界各地(尤其是歐洲)仍在增長中。


We want to keep you informed on how you can be praying so each of us can “pray without ceasing.” Please see below for ways in which you can be praying. 

Pray with us: 

  1. Pray for the Jewish people around the world. Pray for God to soften hearts and open eyes to the truth of Messiah Jesus.

  2. Pray for Life in Messiah staff as they interact and share the love of Messiah with Jewish communities around the world in various contexts. Pray for the right words and wisdom to be given to each staff member.

  3. Pray for the Lord to burden more followers of Messiah to share the gospel with Jewish friends and family.

  4. Pray that today would be the day of salvation for many!

  5. Pray against the rising anti-Semitism around the world, but specifically in Europe.
