
國際彌賽亞生命差會的歷史.. History Of Life in Messiah




1887年,一群芝加哥地區的信徒有感於俄羅斯猶太移民在肉體及心靈上所受的苦況,並在威廉·伯士東(William E. Blackstone)的領導下,成立了芝加哥希伯來宣教團,教授俄羅斯猶太移民英語和工作技能,並向他們分享耶穌基督是彌賽亞的訊息。宣教團的工作由芝加哥開始展開,其後陸續擴展至美國及以外的國家,而其名稱亦先後更改為「美國彌賽亞團契」(American Messianic Fellowship)及「國際美國彌賽亞團契」(AMF International)。



A Vision is Born

In 1887, a group of Chicago-area believers were touched by the spiritual and physical needs of Russian-Jewish immigrants. Under the leadership of William E. Blackstone, they formed the Chicago Hebrew Mission. In addition to teaching language and job skills, they shared the message of Yeshua, Messiah Jesus. The ministry grew beyond Chicago and the United States. The name transitioned to American Messianic Fellowship, then AMF International. Blackstone put his faith in Jesus at a young age. As he studied the Scriptures, he became convinced that the return of the Jewish people to their land would precede Jesus’ return. His 1878 book, “Jesus is Coming,” was translated into 42 languages, including Hebrew and Yiddish.





2008年,我們邀請「國際以馬內利宣教團」(Immanuel Ministries International)和「給以色列的信息」(Message to Israel)這兩個宣教團體加入「彌賽亞生命差會」的大家庭。「彌賽亞生命差會」的行政中心仍舊設於芝加哥南部的總部大樓。而位於布魯克林的以馬內利之家(Immanuel House)則被改裝成為紐約宣教及培訓中心。「以馬內利之家」距離正統猶太人社區僅數棟大廈,地理位置優越,有利於我們向這個社區的猶太人傳講主耶穌的救恩。由於世界各地的猶太人社區都與布魯克林有聯繫,因此聖靈在布魯克林的工作必會有助其他地區的猶太人的福音工作。簡言之,「以馬內利之家」為事工團隊和新員工提供了學習向猶太人宣教工作的好地方。


Touch Brooklyn, Touch the World

In 2008, we brought Immanuel Ministries International/Message to Israel into the Life in Messiah family. The headquarters building south of Chicago remains the administrative hub. In Brooklyn, Immanuel House, has been renovated to house our New York ministry/training center. Located just blocks from Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, Immanuel House is perfectly situated to reach this community that needs to hear the message of salvation through Messiah Jesus. Because Jewish communities around the world are connected to Brooklyn, a movement of the Holy Spirit that touches this place could have a worldwide ripple effect. Immanuel House provides ministry teams and new staff members with a great place to learn Jewish evangelism.



神作工超過130年..God at Work for Over 130 Years






Since 1887, Life in Messiah has helped Christians understand the Jewish roots of our faith and God’s ongoing commitment to His people. We teach that anti-Semitism is inconsistent with biblical faith. We “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” which includes her spiritual renewal as well as physical safety. In all we do, our priority is to share the gospel message. Today Life in Messiah has ministry to Jewish people in Israel, France, The Netherlands, Canada, Argentina, Mexico and the United States. Like Blackstone, our continuing desire is to “share God’s heart for the Jewish people.”
