....請問您希望在哪裡事奉?..Where do you desire to serve?....
....請問您現時參加的教會的名稱是甚麼?..What is the name of the church you currently attend?....
....教會網站..Church Website ....
....您是否覺得神特別帶領您參與猶太人的事工?如果是這樣,這個呼召的依據是什麼?..Do you sense God is directing you specifically to be involved in ministry to Jewish people; if so, what is the basis for that calling? ....
....請問您要尋找哪種類型的事工(例如,傳福音、門徒訓練、裝備其他人作神的事工)?..For what type of ministry (e.g., evangelism, discipleship, equipping others for ministry) are you looking?....
....請問哪個短語最能表達您對“神蹟性的恩賜”的看法(例如,講方言,先知預言,知識的言語,神蹟醫治)?..What are your areas of giftedness (in ministry)?....
....請問您有哪方面的恩賜?(宣教事工) 請問在我們的教義聲明(信仰立場)中,您有否不同意的地方?..Are there any areas of our doctrinal statement (Articles of Belief) with which you do not agree? ....
....請問哪個短語最能表達您對“神蹟性的恩賜”的看法(例如,講方言,先知預言,知識的言語,神蹟醫治)?..Which phrase best describes your view of the "sign gifts" (e.g., tongues, prophecy, word of knowledge, healing)?....
在第一世紀,這些恩賜是為了證明使徒的信息是真確的,但是在新約全書完成後就停止了。 Those gifts were given to authenticate the apostles' message in the first century, but ceased after the New Testament was complete.
神可以用神蹟醫治人,或使某人用他們尚未學過的語言說話,但在今天,這些都不是規範。 God may heal people or enable someone to speak in a language they haven't learned, but these are not normative for today.
我相信這些神蹟性的恩賜在今天仍有運作,但是我並沒有這些神蹟性的恩賜。 I believe these sign gifts are operating today, but I do not have them.
我練習說方言,先知預言 及/或神蹟醫治。 I practice the gift of tongues, prophecy and/or healing.
我相信「神蹟性」的恩賜是伴隨著「聖靈的洗」,所以應該鼓勵每一個信徒都接受「聖靈的洗」。 I believe the sign gifts accompany the baptism of the Holy Spirit and should be encouraged for every believer.
....哪一個最能描述您對主再來的看法?..Which best describes your view of the future?....
無千禧年派 – 耶穌不會在地上有1000年的實質統治。 Amillennial – There will not be a physical 1,000 year reign of Jesus on earth.
前千禧年派 – 耶穌將在地上有1000年的實質統治。 Premillennial – There will be a physical 1,000 year reign of Jesus on earth.
後千禧年派 – 耶穌從死裡復活時,建立了王國;當世界被拯救時,衪將會再來。 Postmillennial – Jesus instituted the Kingdom when He rose from the dead and will return when the world is saved.
泛千禧年派 – 我不知道,但可以肯定,最終它會 “全部成就”。 Panmillennial – I don't know, but for sure it will "all pan out" in the end.
....我最擅長的工作模式:..I work best with: ....
每日監督;從經理那裡得到我的指示。 Daily oversight; getting my directives from a manager.
每月監督;我會主動工作,只是想不時從經理那裡得到一些想法。 Monthly oversight; I’m self-motivated and just want to bounce ideas off of a manager once in a while.
半年監督;我是一位積極進取的企業家,不需要太多管束。 Semi-annual oversight; I’m a driven entrepreneur and do not need much managing.
沒有監督;我可以不受監管下事奉神。 No oversight; I'm fine with serving God on my own.
....我願意籌募款項,支持自己的事工:..I am willing to raise my support: ....
是,我以前做過。 Yes, I've done it before.
是,但我以前從沒有籌募款項。 Yes, but I've never raised support before.
或許,但我需要培訓。 Maybe, but I'll need training.
否。 No.
....請問您如何得知彌賽亞生命差會?..How did you hear about Life in Messiah?....