國際差傳..International Ministry




我們的同工到  神所呼召的地方去。




Life in Messiah staff serve in a variety of locations and settings around the world.
our workers go where God has called them.
we help align each person’s unique gifts and skill set with the needs of their field.
Please pray for our field staff as they seek to share the good news with the house of israel.





彌賽亞生命差會的同工和義工經營了一家免費旅館,為那些到安第斯山脈的年輕以色列背包客提供了一個安全而溫馨的住所。我們的旅館成為傳揚福音及與旅行者建立關係的平台。旅客與我們的同工一起攀岩、遠足、划艇、露營和探險。這不斷提供機會與他/她們傳講和分享彌賽亞的愛,我們看到  神用令人讚嘆的方式賜福這個事工!



Life in Messiah staff and volunteers operate a free guest house. This affords a safe and welcoming place for young Israelis to stay while backpacking the Andes Mountains. Our guest house serves as a platform for presenting the gospel and building relationships with travelers. Guests join our staff as they rock climb, hike, kayak, camp and explore. With consistent opportunities to teach and share the love of Messiah, we’ve seen God bless this ministry in amazing ways!








The Jewish population in Canada is estimated to be over 390,000, with well over half living in the greater Toronto area. Jewish people interested in spiritual discussions are encountered in coffee shops, malls, and on university campuses. Social media chat rooms and LIFE’s evangelistic website (www.insearchofshalom.com) provide venues for interaction with those more comfortable meeting over the internet.








Street and relational evangelism in the greater Paris area, including Bible and tract distribution, are a focus in reaching the world’s third-largest Jewish population. Discipleship of Jewish men and women is the second step. With a rising tide of anti-Semitism, sharing the message of Messiah Jesus’ love is vital to building bridges for the sake of the gospel.





在「東方之珠」 — 香港,可以透過很多具創意的方式接觸猶太人。由於沒有反猶太主義的背景,亞洲信徒在與猶太人結交、建立關係以及討論屬靈事情(包括為什麼中國人相信 猶太人的彌賽亞是神預備來拯救全人類)都是較有優勢。此外,香港是一個訓練亞洲信徒向猶太人傳福音的地方。


Hong Kong

Reaching out to the Jewish people in “The Pearl of the Orient” takes many creative forms. With no significant history of anti-Semitism, Asian believers have the privilege of making friends, building relational bridges, and discussing spiritual matters – including why a Chinese person believes in the Jewish Messiah as God’s provision for the salvation of all mankind. In addition, Hong Kong is a place for Asian believers to receive training in Jewish evangelism.





每天去接觸那些露宿在街上的人(包括毒販和癮君子),是一項滿有朝氣的事工。彌賽亞生命差會的同工還提供輔導、庇護中心和以聖經為本的康復服務。 神以叫人讚嘆的方式改變人的生命!在多個地點均有外展和門徒訓練。以聖經教導為主的堂會,培養屬靈生命的成長,並培育新的領袖。



Vibrant ministry to people living on the streets (including the trafficked and addicted) is a daily need. LIFE workers also provide counsel, shelter and biblically-based rehab. God is transforming lives in amazing ways! Outreach and discipleship take place in various locations. Bible-teaching congregations nurture spiritual growth, and new leaders are mentored.




彌賽亞生命差會與當地教會合作,激發大家對猶太人的關注,以致大家一起祈禱,實踐愛心,及向人分享彌賽亞降臨的好消息。在墨西哥城和克雷塔羅,我們的同工宣講,教導和裝備信徒,以分享 神對猶太人的心意。



Life in Messiah partners with local churches to stir up a concern for the Jewish people, resulting in prayer, practical demonstrations of love, and sharing the good news that Messiah has come. Our workers in Mexico City and Queretaro are preaching, teaching and equipping believers to share God’s heart for the Jewish people.





幾個世紀以來,歐洲猶太人經歷了多次的高山和低谷。今天,許多猶太人對福音的態度更加開放。我們與總部設於荷蘭的「城市聖經」建立了合作夥伴關係,把聖經以多種語言印刷並分發。當中也有專為猶太聽眾而設的特別版(包括希伯來語)聖經,以及差會所製作「尋找平安 In Search of Shalom」媒體,輔助外展的工作。



European Jewry has seen many highs and lows over the centuries. Today, many Jewish people are more open to considering the gospel. Our partnership with Netherlands-based City Bibles enables distribution of Scriptures in multiple languages. Special editions (including Hebrew) are designed for Jewish audiences and our In Search of Shalom media outreach.
