美國宣教事工..Ministry in the United States




羅馬書 10:1


“Brethren, my heart’s desire

and my prayer to God for them

is for their salvation”




….外展與門徒訓練..Outreach & Discipleship….

….我們的工場員工,努力尋找一切機會,與人分享耶穌是彌賽亞。他們在街道上進行外展佈道工作,並且按照彌賽亞所頒佈的「大使命」,去使萬民作衪的門徒。..Our field staff members look for every opportunity to share Jesus as Messiah. They can be found doing street outreach and making disciples following Messiah’s proclamation of the Great Commission. ….


….建立關係的外展佈道..Relational Outreach….

….在外展佈道時,我們非常看重與人建立關係。我們的事工專注與人建立關係,不會只是派發福音單張。我們會透過一個輕鬆的環境,例如公園、咖啡店等地方,認識朋友和分享彌賽亞的福音。我們希望認識朋友,與他們建立信任的關係及像耶穌那樣愛他們。..Building relationships is important to us—really important. Our ministry is focused on building relationships by meeting people and sharing Messiah in a relaxed environment, such as parks and coffee shops. It’s more than simply handing out tracts. It’s about getting to know people, building relationships of trust and loving them as Yeshua loves them. ….


….帶領查考聖經..Leading Bible Studies….

….我們的同工帶領查考聖經與猶太朋友查經,可幫助帶領參與者與彌賽亞建立關係。與外邦信徒查經,我們會強調我們信仰的猶太根源,並引領他們與彌賽亞建立更親密的關係。..Staff members lead Bible studies. Studies with Jewish friends can help lead participants into a relationship with Messiah. Studies with Gentile believers stress the Jewish roots of our faith while leading people to a closer relationship with Messiah. ….


 美國事工概述..US Ministry Overview




彌賽亞生命差會在穆迪聖經學院校園附近進行福音事工。 穆迪的學生和差會同工致力與居住於芝加哥伊利諾伊州公寓的俄羅斯猶太裔長者建立聯繫。該事工集中於與那些長者建立友誼並滿足他們的實際需要,例如:幫忙購買食品雜貨,協助醫生預約,教授英語及幫助新移民適應城市生活。


Russian Jewish Ministry

Life in Messiah has ministry near the campus of Moody Bible Institute. Moody students and staff members work to build relationships with the elderly Russian-Jewish residences of nearby apartment buildings in Chicago, Illinois. The ministry focuses on building friendships and meeting practical needs, such as: buying groceries, aiding in doctor’s appointments, teaching English and helping new immigrants adjust to the city.





在教會舉行逾越節晚餐 (Seder) 和教學



Hosting Seder dinners & Teaching in Churches

Staff members are often sought to host Seder dinners during the Passover season and teach congregations across the U.S. as a way to introduce the Church to the importance of the Jewish roots of our faith and Jewish ministry. If you are interested in Life in Messiah hosting a Seder dinner, “Messiah in the Passover,” for your congregation or teaching your church about Judaism, please contact our office to schedule a date!






工場同工探訪猶太人居住的療養院,並幫助滿足他們的實際需求。 這是建立關係的另一個機會,並讓同工可以分享藉著彌賽亞而有的盼望。


Nursing Home Ministry

Field staff visit nursing homes with Jewish residences and help meet their practical needs. This is another opportunity to build relationships that allows staff members to share the hope within us through Messiah.





隨著越來越多人使用互聯網,我們認為我們的網頁和社交媒體連接是我們事工的重要資產。 我們視互聯網為聯繫和豉勵我們的捐獻者和合作夥伴的重要途徑。 我們的網絡事工也可以透過這不具威脅性,但非凡的途徑與他人分享福音。 在Facebook上“讚”我們或在Twitter @LifeinMessiah上跟隨我們。


Ministry Through the Internet

With the growing number of people using the internet, we consider our webpage and social media connections to be an important asset of our ministry. We view the internet as a valuable way to connect with and encourage our donors and partners in ministry. Our internet ministry also serves as a way to share the Gospel with others through a non-threatening, but exceptional avenue. “Like” us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @LifeinMessiah.





  • 橋樑:我們的半年刊使我們的合作夥伴了解整個事工中的“神在工作”的故事。透過電子郵件office@lifeinmessiah.org可接收此刋物或閱讀網站上的電子版本。

  • 代禱月箋:代禱月箋是我們的每日的祈禱電子郵件,其中分享了全球彌賽亞生命差會的最新動態,及我們的合作夥伴如何為特定的需求祈禱。 要接收這些更新,請發送電郵至office@lifeinmessiah.org,並要求將其放置在郵件列表中。



Publications sent out on a regular basis are also a big part of the Life in Messiah ministry.

  • The Bridge: Our bi-annual publication lets our partners know about “God at work” stories throughout the ministry. Email office@lifeinmessiah.org to receive this publication via mail or read the electronic version on the website.

  • LifeLines: LifeLines is our daily prayer email that shares updates from Life in Messiah ministry across the globe and how our partners can pray for specific needs. To receive these updates, email office@lifeinmessiah.org and request to be placed on the mailing list.
