美國團隊..US Team
利未(Levi).希慎先生 | 差會總幹事
利未對主和主的話滿有熱心。他喜愛㩦同妻兒,在炎夏帶領猶宣團隊到以色列,並藉此聯繫以色列人。他經常為差會事工往來世界各地,行程緊密。利未在2004年畢業於泰勒大學 (Taylor University),並考獲「基督教差傳教育」 (Christian Education Ministry) 文學學士。2011年,他考取了慕迪聖經研究學院頒發的「猶太研究」 (Jewish Studies) 證書。 2016年,利未在慕迪神學院畢業,並取得「聖經及神學研究」碩士學位。 他和妻子在以色列生活了一年,學習「考古學」和「聖經地理學」等學科。 利未喜為人父、也愛看書、跑步、與妻子打沙灘排球及觀看大學欖球賽。
Levi is passionate about the Lord and His Word. He, along with his wife and son, love to spend summers in Israel leading trips and connecting with Israelis. He maintains an active international traveling schedule. Levi graduated from Taylor University with a BA in Christian Education Ministry in 2004. In 2011, he pursued a certificate in Jewish Studies from Moody Bible Institute. In 2016, Levi graduated from Moody Theological Seminary with an MA in Biblical and Theological Studies. He and his wife spent one year living in Israel studying subjects like archaeology and biblical geography. Levi loves being a daddy to his baby boy, reading, running, playing beach volleyball with his wife, and watching college football.
戴偉思(Wes) | 環球大使,榮休總幹事
戴偉思是已退休總幹事,現任國際彌賽亞生命差會的環球大使。他期望透過教會及學校的教導工作,彰顯神的榮耀,並達成「世界基督教運動的展望」。他積極推廣國際彌賽亞生命差會的事工,並為全球差會的同工打氣。戴先生大部分的人生都是獻給國際彌賽亞生命差會,在他岳父的領導下事奉,繼而接任岳父的總幹事一職。要是戴先生不是在旅途中,談話中或在辦公室中,他總喜歡騎摩托車、觀看刑事偵測劇集「熊和小熊」 (the Bears and the Cubs)及跟他的九個孫兒玩耍。他期望在不久將來寫一本書,分享在過去四十多年的宣教事奉,許許多多「神在工作」的故事。
Executive Director Emeritus, Wes now serves as Global Ambassador for Life in Messiah. He seeks to bring God glory by teaching in churches, schools and for “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement.” He also advocates for Life in Messiah and cheers on our staff around the globe. Wes has lived and breathed Life in Messiah for most of his life, serving under his father-in-law’s leadership, then succeeding him in the role of Executive Director. When he’s not traveling, speaking, or in the office, Wes likes to ride his motorcycle, watch the Bears and the Cubs, and play with his nine grandchildren. One day soon, he hopes to write a book sharing many “God at work” stories from over four decades of ministry.
娜拉 (Lori) | 行政主管
娜拉的歲月多是在猶太人宣教事工上! 她的父親是差會的總幹事,其後由她丈夫戴偉思先生接任。娜拉在國際彌賽亞生命差會擔任關鍵的角色,許多日常事務都是由她全權負責,更要確認家居的辦公室能暢順地運作。娜拉為每一位來到國際彌賽亞生命差會的人,烹調美味的菜色。 閒時她喜歡跟九位孫兒相聚,周遊世界,並嘆一杯咖啡。
Lori has lived and breathed Jewish ministry most of her life! Her father was the Executive Director, followed by her husband. Lori plays a vital role for Life in Messiah in making sure the home office runs smoothly, overseeing many of the daily tasks. Lori will host and serve a delicious meal to anyone who comes through Life in Messiah's doors. She loves to spend time with her nine grandchildren, travel the world, and enjoys a good cup of coffee.