豈真不能?神曾以人的形狀顯現。..Impossible? God has appeared as a man before.


創世記18章;32: 22-32;以西結書1:26






耶和華*在幔利橡樹那裏向亞伯拉罕顯現出來。那時正熱,亞伯拉罕坐在帳棚門口, 舉目觀看,見有三個人在對面站着。他一見,就從帳棚門口跑去迎接他們,俯伏在地 。(創世記18:1-2)


首先,我們讀到神向亞伯拉罕顯現。稍後,亞伯拉罕見到三個男人。當我們繼續讀下去,便清楚知道其中兩人是天使,而第三個則是神自己。(創世記18:13, 17, 20)


誰從天上降火與硫磺毀滅所多瑪和蛾摩拉城?答案是︰神自己。在此, 我們見到神同時在天上(施行刑罰),又在地上(與亞伯拉罕同處)……

創世記32章,雅各在雅博渡口遇到一個神秘的男子,與雅各摔跤的男子是誰?這次摔跤後,雅各稱那個地方為「毘努伊勒」 (即神的面)。








由此可見,何西阿善於詮釋摩西五經。這位天使稱呼自己是「伯特利的神」(創世記31:13)。 誰是「伯特利的神」?是誰在伯特利向雅各顯現?就是神(HASHEM)自己!(創世記28:13)


就是這位「耶和華的使者」親自下來帶領以色列人出埃及,並在荊棘火焰中向摩西顯現(出埃及記3:2-8) 。這位使者既是神,又是受神差派的。除了摩西五經,希伯來聖經還有多處地方記載這位耶和華的使者。我們研讀希伯來聖經時,必會發現這位耶和華的使者實實在在是神§。



拉達克 (RaDaK) (1160-1235)是猶太教的釋經學者,在他撰寫的瑪拉基書註釋中,提出這位立約的使者就是彌賽亞。拉達克是正確的。這位已經顯現,神的特別使者,必會再來。祂以彌賽亞的身份親自進入祂的聖殿。瑪拉基說聖殿屬於祂。除了神,聖殿還有誰屬?



(創世記 16︰7-11,21︰17,22︰11-15,24︰7,24︰40,31︰11,48︰16;出埃及記 3︰2,14︰19,23︰20-23,32︰34;民數記 20︰16,22︰22-35;約書亞記 5︰13-15;士師記 2︰1-4,5︰23,6︰11-12,6︰21-22,13︰3-23 ;撒母耳記下 14︰20,24︰16;列王記上 19︰7;列王記下 1︰3,1︰15,19︰35;以賽亞書 37︰36,63︰9;何西阿書 12︰4-5;撒迦利亞書 1:11-12,3︰3-6,12︰8;瑪拉基書 3︰1;詩篇 34︰7,35︰5-6;傳道書 5︰6;歷代志上 21︰12-16,21︰30)


Genesis 18, 32:22-32, Ezekiel 1:26

Messiah pre-existed? Appeared before? He is divine and human at the same time? This is against the Torah you might say. However the truth might surprise you. It is not incompatible with the Torah at all! It is only incompatible with later formulations of Jewish orthodoxy (e.g. by the Rambam).

The Torah itself is actually preparing us for G-d’s coming in the person of Messiah. G-d actually appeared before in human form. For instance in Genesis 18 we read about a special visit to Abraham:

And HASHEM appeared to him by the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the door of his tent in the heat of the day. He lifted up his eyes and looked and behold three men were standing in front of him…

Genesis 18:1-2 ESV

First we read that HASHEM appears to Abraham. Then Abraham sees three men. We continue reading and it becomes clear that two of these men are angels but one of them is HASHEM himself (see verse 13, 17, 20).

Before he goes his way HASHEM himself gives Abraham the opportunity to ask him questions about Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:22-33). Since HASHEM himself is staying behind with Abraham for some time, there are only the two angels who arrive at the gate of Sodom (Genesis 19:1).

It is the person who is HASHEM himself who finally rains down fire and brimstone on Sodom. “Then HASHEM rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from HASHEM out of heaven”. There was a person on earth who was HASHEM while at the same time HASHEM was in heaven…

And what to think about Genesis 32, Jacob’s encounter with a mysterious man at the Jabbok river? Who is the man that struggled with Jacob? After this struggle Jacob called the name of the place Peniel” (Peniel means face of G-d). “Saying For I have seen G-d face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.”(Genesis 32:30 ESV)

But doesn’t Hosea say that Jacob strove with the angel? Indeed Jacob met someone who was a direct delegate from G-d (That’s what the word angel means). But the prophet Hosea has still more to say. Hosea also says that this delegate of G-d was G-d! Hosea says that Jacob also met this special angel at Beth-el. And then Hosea gives us the name of this angel: “HASHEM, the G-d of hosts, HASHEM is his memorial name” (Hosea 12:4-5 ESV)

Hosea is simply a good expositor of the Torah. “The G-d of Beth-el” that is how this angel calls himself (Genesis 31:13). Who was is the “G-d of Bethel”. Who was it that appeared to Jacob at Beth-el? It was HASHEM himself (Genesis 28:13)!

In Genesis 48 Jacob calls this special angel: “The angel who has redeemed me from all evil”; and just like Hosea, Jacob equates this special angel with the G-d of his fathers (Genesis 48:16 ESV).


It was this angel of HASHEM who came down to bring Israel out of Egypt and appeared to Moses in the burning bush (Exodus 3:2-8). He is sent by HASHEM and yet is HASHEM. These are not the only places in the TaNaKH which show this. When we study the many places in the TaNaKh that talk about this special angel we discover that this angel is indeed fully one with HASHEM.*

In the book of Malachi we read about the special angel of the LORD the following: “The Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple; and the angel of the covenant in whom you delight, behold he comes…” (Malachi 3:1 NASB).

In his commentary on Malachi, RaDaK suggest that this Lord and angel of the covenant is Messiah. RaDaK is right. The special Angel of HASHEM who appeared before would come again. He would come to the temple in the person of Messiah. Malachi says that the temple belongs to him. But to whom does the temple belong but HASHEM?

*(Genesis 16:7-11, 21:17, 22:11-15, 24:7, 24:40, 31:11, 48:16, Exodus 3:2, 14:19, 23:20-23, 32:34, Numbers 20:16, 22:22-35, Joshua 5:13-15, Judges 2:1-4, 5:23, 6:11-12, 21-22, 13:3-23, 2 Samuel 14:20, 24:16, 1 Kings 19:7, 2 Kings 1:3,15, 19:35, Isaiah 37:36, 63:9, Hosea 12:4-5, Zechariah 1:11-12, 3:3-6, 12:8, Malachi 3:1, Psalm 34:7, 35:5-6, Ecclesiastes 5:6, 1 Chronicles 21:12-16, 30)


Chloe Lo