彌賽亞是永遠坐在神右邊的君王和祭司..Messiah Is Both King And Priest, Sitting At God’s Right Hand Forever


(詩篇110:1-4,耶利米書30:21-22,撒 迦利亞書6:9-13)

按以賽亞預言,彌賽亞在受痛苦和代贖而死後 ,「必被高舉上升,且成為至高。」(以賽亞 書52:13) 大衛也曾如此預言彌賽亞:

「大衛的詩。 耶和華(HASHEM*)對我主說:你坐在我的右邊, 等我使你仇敵作你的腳凳。」 (詩篇110:1)


彌賽亞將被高舉,不僅成為君王,也成為祭司 。正如麥基洗德一樣,同時兼負撒冷城 的君王和祭司的職任。(創世記14:18)

「耶和華(HASHEM)起了誓,決不 後悔,說:你是照著麥基洗德的等次永遠為祭司 。」(詩篇110:4)


「祂要建造耶和華的殿,並擔負尊 榮,坐在位 # 上掌王權;又必在位 # 上 作祭司,使兩職之間籌定和平 ※ 。」( 撒迦利亞書6︰13)



按《撒迦利亞書》第六章的紋理,這個寶座就 是耶和華(HASHEM)的寶座,彌賽亞與神一 同掌權。神的計劃是至高至聖的,當彌賽亞坐 在神的右邊,便籌定了和平,就是在祂與神之間成就了真正的和平。

從前在每年一次的贖罪日(Yom Kippur),大 祭司帶着祭牲的血,藉此進入神在地上的寶座 — 會幕的至聖所。大祭司作為百姓代表,為他 們贖罪。

彌賽亞已親自進入高天之上,坐在神寶座的旁 邊。在此,他將自己無瑕無疵獻給神,成為完全 的贖罪祭物。與以色列其他大祭司相比,彌賽 亞是更美的中保,代表全以色列人到神面前, 為他們祈求;因祂本為義,也是那完全的祭牲 。

先知耶利米也為這奧秘事作見證,他預言彌賽亞,即那一位日後的王大衛,作為以色列的帶領者(耶利米書 30:9):

「他們的君王必是屬乎他們的; 掌權的必從他們中間而出。 我要使祂就近我, 祂也要親近我; 不然,誰有膽量親近我呢? 這是耶和華(HASHEM)說的。」 (耶利米書30︰21)

這位彌賽亞,作為大祭司,祂的代求帶出什麼果效呢?就是神主動恢復與以色列人的關係 ,並訂立新約:

「你們要作我的子民, 我要作你們的神。」 (耶利米書30:22,比較耶利米書 31:31-34)

按先知撒迦利亞的預言,將有刀劍興起,攻擊 神的牧人,其後是一段災難時期(撒迦利亞書 13:7-9),他同樣以這描述作結束:

「他們必求告我的名, 我必應允他們。 我要說:這是我的子民。 他們也要說:耶和華(HASHEM) 是我們的神。」 (撒迦利亞 13:9)

彌賽亞獻上自己為贖罪祭物,及在天上作大祭 司,為祂的百姓代求。祂就此所得的功勞是 :神與以色列 — 祂的子民,恢復關係了。


(Psalm 110:1-4Jeremiah 30:21-22Zechariah 6:9-13)

Isaiah had to prophesy that Messiah would be “high and lifted up and greatly exalted” after his suffering and atoning death (Isaiah 52:13)

David prophesied the same about Messiah:

A psalm of David.
HASHEM has said to my lord:
“Sit at my right hand,
until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Psalm 110:1 ESV

Messiah will be in this exalted position not only as a king but also as a priest. Just like Melchizedek who was king and priest of Salem at the same time. (Genesis 14:18)

HASHEM has sworn
And will not change his mind,
You are a priest forever
After the order of Melchizedek

Psalm 110:4 ESV

This is what Zechariah had to prophesy about Messiah:

he shall bear the glory,
And shall sit and rule on His throne
So he shall be priest on His throne
And the counsel of peace shall be between Them both

Zechariah 6:13 NKJV

In the context of Zechariah 6 this throne is HASHEM’s throne, he is sharing in G-d’s authority. As Messiah is sitting at G-d’s right hand the counsel of peace, the divine and sovereign plan to give real peace is made between him and G-d.

The high priest approached G-d and drew near to him on Yom Kippur once a year with the blood of a sacrifice. That way he could come into the tabernacle’s Holy of Holies, G-d’s throne room on earth. The high priest came there to make atonement on behalf of the people.

Messiah entered heaven itself. He even took his place next to G-d on his heavenly throne. There he presents the perfect sacrifice of his own righteous life. A better intercessor on behalf of Israel does not exist.

This is how Jeremiah bears witness to this same mystery. Jeremiah prophesies about the new David (Jeremiah 30:9), Israel’s leader, the Messiah and says

Their leader shall be one of them,
And their ruler shall come forth from their midst;
And I will bring him near and he shall approach Me;
For who is he that gives his heart in pledge to approach Me?’ declares HASHEM…

Jeremiah 30:21 NASB

What will be the result of this priestly intercession of the Messiah? The result will be a restored, a new covenant between G-d and Israel:

You shall be my people and I will be your G-d

Jeremiah 30:22 NASB, compare Jeremiah 31:31-34

Zechariah’s prophesy about the sword waking up against G-d’s shepherd and about the difficult time that would follow first (Zechariah 13:7-9) ends the same way:

They will call on my name and I will answer them;
I will say, ‘they are my people’
And they will say, ‘HASHEM is our G-d’

Zechariah 13:9 NASB

This is what the merit of Messiah’s sacrifice and priestly intercession in heaven on behalf of his people brings about: a restoration of HASHEM’s relationship with Israel.


Chloe Lo