彌賽亞要在世界末日再臨,那時列國要永遠事奉祂。..Messiah Will Come Again At The End Of This Age, And All Nations Will Serve Him Forever.



根據舊約聖經 (Tanakh),彌賽亞要來臨,把祂的生命獻上,作為贖罪祭。舊約聖經記載關乎彌賽亞的來臨,提到衪會謙卑地到來,並沒有外在的榮耀。甚至我們讀到祂會被藐視和厭棄︰













在舊約聖經 (Tanakh)中,數次提到神自己駕着雲彩降臨 (詩篇18︰11-12,97︰2,104︰3,以賽亞書19︰1,那鴻書1︰3);現在彌賽亞同樣以神聖的榮耀從天上降臨。祂來要接管全世界,且展開永恆的統治。







(Daniel 7:13-14)


According to the Tanakh Messsiah would come to give his life as an atoning sacrifice. About this coming of Messiah the Tanakh says that Messiah would come humbly and without outer glory. We even read that he would be despised and rejected:

For he grew up before him like a young plant and like a root out of dry ground; He had no form of majesty that we should look at him, he was despised and rejected by men… Isaiah 53:2-3 ESV

But the Tanakh also knows about a coming of Messiah with great glory. This means there are two comings of Messiah. We saw that after his atoning death Messiah would rise from the death to be exalted to the highest position possible. It is from this position he will come again:

And I saw in the night visions,and behold with the clouds of heaventhere came one like a son of manand he was presented before him.And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom,that all peoples, nations and languages should serve him;his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away,and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.

Daniel 7:13-14 ESV

Several times in the Tanakh G-d is said to come in a chariot of clouds (Psalm 18:11-12, 97:2, 104:3, Isaiah 19:1, Nahum 1:3); but now the Messiah comes from heaven with the same divine glory. He will come and receive his worldwide and everlasting dominion.

Great is the mystery of Israel’s Messiah. He is G-d and man at the same time. He gave himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sin before the second temple was destroyed. He is risen from the dead. He is now seated at the right hand of G-d as eternal king and priest. He comes again with the glory of heaven…

No wonder that Psalm 2 speaking of Messiah, pronounces:

Blessed are all who take refuge in him

Psalm 2:12

But if Messiah came already in the first century CE are his atoning death and resurrection recorded? Actually the life of Messiah at his first coming is better documented than the life of any person in ancient history and of his atoning death and resurrection we have very reliable testimonies.


Chloe Lo