聖殿被毀之先,彌賽亞已來了..Messiah came before the destruction of the temple


但以理書 9︰24-27;瑪拉基書 3︰1



萬軍之耶和華說:「你們所尋求的主必忽然進入祂的殿」(瑪拉基書 3︰1)



過了六十二個七,那受膏者必被剪除,一無所有;必有一王的民來毀滅這城和聖所,至終必如洪水沖沒。必有爭戰,一直到底,荒涼的事已經定了。(但以理書 9︰26)


以上經文內容深奧,但有兩件事情卻清楚描述︰(1)受膏者必被剪除 (2)受膏者死後,耶路撒冷城及聖殿再次被毀。






Daniel 9:24-27, Malachi 3:1



In the book of Malachi we read about the Messiah: “The Lord whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple.” (Malachi 3:1 NASB). The temple with which the book of Malachi is concerned was the second temple. This implies Messiah should have come while the second temple was still standing!

The book of Daniel makes it even clearer that Messiah had to come before the destruction of the second temple. This is what we read:

And after the sixty two sevens Messiah shall be cut off and there would be nothing for him, and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.

Daniel 9:26

This is not an easy text but two things are clear: Messiah will die a violent death and his death will be followed by a new destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.

Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed again in the year 70 CE. Did Messiah come to his temple and die a violent death before that? If the scriptures are true he should have.

But why should Messiah die this violent death first and how can he still be king forever if he died a violent death?

The book of Daniel also tells us also why this had to happen.


Chloe Lo