彌賽亞從贖罪之死復活過來..Messiah Lives Again After His Atoning Death






彌賽亞將為我們的罪死,但是 ……






*按《以賽亞書》53章的紋理,這些後裔並不是指肉身的兒女,而是指「許多」 因僕人救贖之死而被稱義的人(以賽亞書53:10)。












(Isaiah 52:13, 53:10, Psalm 16:10, 21:4)

Messiah’s atoning death is not the end. Isaiah not only spoke about the suffering of Messiah. Through Isaiah G-d also said about the Messiah:

Behold my servant shall prosper, he will be high and lifted up and greatly exalted

Isaiah 52:13 NASB

Messiah will die for our sins but…

When his soul makes an offering for guilt,He shall see offspring*; he shall prolong his days;The will of HASHEM shall prosper in his hands

Isaiah 53:11 ESV*In the context of Isaiah 53 these offspring are not literal biological children but the “many” who are made righteous by the servants atoning death (Isaiah 53:11)

Messiah will die but then live again!

In Psalm 16 David said:

For you will not abandon my soul in Sheol You will not allow your holy one to see corruption

Psalm 16:10 ESV

The first part of this verse might still apply to David, but that the second part of the verse cannot apply to David. David’s body did decompose. Therefore it must apply to David’s great son, the one who is truly G-d’s holy one. Psalm 16 speaks about the Messiah who will rise from the grave.

It all accords with what we read about the Messianic king in Psalm 21:

He asked life of you, you gave it to him,length of days forever and ever

Psalm 21:4 ESV


Chloe Lo